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He strode up to the counter, with an air of proud defiance, and demanded drink. It was supplied him. He tossed it off quickly, without deigning a glance at the assembled company. Then in a deep-toned voice he asked "Has the Rankin Creek Company sent that account and the money?" Profound silence had fallen on the whole party in the room the moment this man entered.

The interior of the wagon, the sun beating on the canvas roof, was like a furnace, where he lay sweltering, tossed this way and that by the jolting wheels. Their dust moved with them, breezes lifting it and carrying it careening back to them where it mingled with new dust, hanging dense like a segment of fog in the scene's raw brilliancy.

There was a terrific explosion, then Neil Stewart tossed the redoubtable Billyus a quarter, crying: "You win," and walked away with Peggy, his laughter now and again borne back to his beneficiaries.

In a few seconds he had divested the dead girl of her heavy bodice and skirt and carpet apron and heavy shoes. He rolled the things into a bundle, tossed them into the laboratory, locked the door of the latter, and stuck the key into his pocket. He carefully stopped the bottle containing the remainder of the prussiate of potassium, and took that also.

So accustomed was Fleurette to being tossed about, and so familiar to her was the frolicking with Azalea that she made no objections and was a most delightful addition to the picture. But something happened to the film, and the director was most anxious to take the scene over again. Azalea, however, positively refused to take Fleurette again to the studio.

"Then, aided by a little skilful management on Mildmay's part, his entire escort were induced to attempt to lift the Flying Fish off the ground; and when they had failed, one only of their number was bidden to do the same thing, and, to their unmitigated amazement, this one man not only accomplished the task with ease, but he also tossed us so high in the air that we all M'Bongwele and his chiefs included went right out to sea, until the land was completely lost sight of.

But that was only for an instant, since nothing terrible was happening. When she dared to look again the man was quietly releasing the offending fly. He tossed it back in the direction of the bank, then stood for a moment regarding her, still without the trace of an expression on his dark face. "Don't be 'fraid!" he said. "Hold still!"

Never was there any clasp like Harold's so firm, yet soft so gentle, yet so close and warm. It filled her with a sense of rest and protection she, long tossed about in the weary world. Once or twice she moved her hand, but only to lay it again in his, and feel his welcoming fingers close over it, as if to say, "Mine mine always mine!"

Thomas Tusher, that has just been made a curate and whose mother was a waiting-maid." And she tossed out of the room, being in one of her flighty humors then. When she was gone, my lady looked so sad and grave, that Harry asked the cause of her disquietude.

O fatal effects of maturity! would that I could feel one throb, one emotion of former days of enchantment alas, not one! a solitary being, tossed on the wild ocean of life it is long since I drained thine enchanted cup to the dregs! But to return to my narrative. I had sent Bendel to the little town with plenty of money to procure me a suitable habitation.