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I wish I could extenuate or explain Willett's conduct as easily, but that young man is a fool of the first magnitude." Davies had taken the note handed him by Langston and was mechanically turning it and twisting it in his fingers. His impulse was to toss it, as he had the anonymous billet, into the fire.

To-morrow will do. Have you any money on you? Toss that fisherman whatever you think I'm worth. He really rowed like steam, you know." Rudolph flung his purse into the other boat. When he turned, this man restored from the sea had disappeared. But he had only stolen forward, dog in arms, to sit beside Miss Drake.

I hear your M.P.'s are very strict. You must be able to toss the word the minute you see a skirt, and make your date before the guard gets onto you." "I suppose French girls haven't any scruples?" Claude remarked carelessly. Victor shrugged his narrow shoulders. "I haven't found that girls have many, anywhere. When we Canadians were training in England, we all had our week-end wives.

In an instant the little dingy had been slid overboard and the boys were sitting in the stern; then Captain Tom stepped aboard and was soon pulling mightily away from the Ella and across the line of progress of the waterspout. But it was all too late. The dingy was less than two hundred feet from the Etta when she began to toss, lifting her bow high and then plunging it deep beneath the surface.

You drop to sleep after that day's fatigue, with singular and perplexed fancies haunting you; and when you wake up with a shudder in the middle of the night, you have a fancy that Charlie is really dead: you dream of seeing him pale and thin, as Nelly described him, and with the starched grave-clothes on him. You toss over in your bed, and grow hot and feverish.

"Captain Bellfield would do it much better," said Charlie, with a little toss of her head; "he's as good as a married man, and they always do these things best." The day was fine, and although the shade was not perfect, and the midges were troublesome, the dinner went off very nicely.

Thockmorton laughed heartily at their desperate struggle in the swell, and several of the crew ran to the stern to watch the little cockle-shell toss about in the waves. It was when I turned also, the better to assure myself of their safety, that I discovered Judge Beaucaire standing close beside me at the low rail. Our eyes met inquiringly, and he bowed with all the ceremony of the old school.

The entire herd rushed after her and Alcatraz, in a bound, ranged along side the grey and a neck in the lead. While he ran he whinnied a soft question to which she replied with a toss of her head as though impatient at such ignorance. In reality she was guiding the herd.

Princeman smiled with calm superiority. He wound himself up. Spat! The ball had cut the plate and was in Sam's hands, while the batsman stood looking earnestly at the path over which it had come. "Strike two!" called Blackstone. Sam jerked the ball back with an underwrist toss of great perfection. Princeman drew himself up with smiling ease and posed a moment for the edification of the on-lookers.

Fifteen long minutes they drowsed, and woke again. Frona sat up. "I I was afraid," she said. "Not you." "Afraid that I might be afraid," she amended, fumbling with her hair. "Leave it down. The day merits it." She complied, with a toss of the head which circled it with a nimbus of rippling yellow. "Tommy's gone," Corliss mused, the race with the ice coming slowly back. "Yes," she answered.