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Accordingly to your ideas, the Commissioner must be the biggest blackguard in the Metropolis! I have said it twice before, and I'll be saying it again, Sowerby: TOSH!" "Well," said Sowerby with an offended air, "has anybody ever seen Mr. King?" "What are you driving at?" "I am driving at this: somebody known in certain circles as Mr. King is at the bottom of this mystery.

Rab Tosh o' Fleckie's wife was heavy-footed at the time, and Doctor Munn had been a' nicht wi' her, and when he cam to Barbie Water in the morning it was roaring wide frae bank to brae; where the brig should have been there was naething but the swashing of the yellow waves.

"I know it is," she said. "It's going to be hard lines on lots of people, but there's no way out of it. You may think it's silly tosh to talk about Fate; but it is Fate." And then she looked at Banks with something in her expression that was surely enough to compensate him for any pain or sacrifice he might have to endure for her. "We can't help it, can we, Arthur?" she said.

I shouldn't care enough whether you lived or were froze to get any excitement out of a show of that kind." "We'd call it 'The Joseph P. Conroy Expedition," said Bob; "and the newspapers " "Thanks. But I'm pretty well fed up with newspaper tosh. The press has boosted me ever since I landed in this country, and I'd just as soon they stopped now as started fresh."

"For the last time," he announced, with the air of a righteous man suffering long, "I did not lay ma hand on your dirrty wee bit ham!" "Maybe," countered the bereaved Buncle swiftly, "you did not lay your hand upon it; but you had it tae your breakfast for all that, Davie!" "I never pit ma hand on it!" repeated Tosh doggedly. "No?

"I say, did my guv'nor really write this himself?" "More or less. Did you really come over for the meeting?" "Rather." His smile was wilful and engaging. "You are enthusiastic about the League." "Enthusiastic? We-ell, I can't say I know much about it. Of course, I know the sort of putrid tosh he'll sling at them, but what I want is to see him doing it."

One must prove herself worthy in order to retain that honorable name." "Ugh," retorts the first grandmother, "she can at least bear it on probation!" "Tosh, tosh," the other assents. Thus the unconscious little Winona has passed the first stage of the Indian's christening.

My father had been against the bonfire being in the quarry, arguing that the wind on the hill would have carried off the smell of the whiskey; but Peter Tosh said they did not want the smell carried off; it would be agreeable to the masons for weeks to come. Except among the women, there was no fighting nor wrangling at the quarry, but all in fine spirits. I misremember now whether it was Mr.

The fusilade has begun. Privates Ogg and Hogg are in charge of Number Thirteen target. They are beguiling the tedium of their task by a friendly gamble with the markers on Number Fourteen Privates Cosh and Tosh. The rules of the game are simplicity itself. After each detail has fired, the target with the higher score receives the sum of one penny from its opponents.

Life's too short. He's got the most beautiful mother, with lovely silvery hair and a young face with dark eyes. I'm staying with his sister who married my cousin; it's all mixed up, but I mean to pump her to-morrow. We've often talked about love being a spoil-sport; well, that's all tosh, it's the beginning of sport, and the sooner you feel it, my dear, the better for you.