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After a while there was a low hissing, and the torch was lighted. "He is a great magician, that priest," muttered the old Libyan. "Before my eyes Thou hast performed a second miracle," said the prince. "Canst Thou explain to me how that was done?" The priest shook his head. "Ask of me anything, lord, and I will answer. But ask not to explain temple secrets."

The drawn blinds made the passage seem quite dark after the bright August sunshine outside, but he produced an electric torch, and by its light he saw that the passage ran into the main hall. His footsteps echoed in the empty house. The electric bell rang continuously as Flack pressed it outside. Inspector Seldon walked along the passage to the hall, flashing his torch into each room he passed.

The two went back to the shop, and the fire was kindled, a torch was set in a wrought-iron wall-cresset, and the work begun. Dickon saw with surprise that the knight himself had no small knowledge of the craft of the armorer. The dagger was of the finest Saracen steel work, the haft inlaid with gold.

He snatched the electric torch, and together they peered at the patch from which the dried earth had fallen. "Queer for hardpan to break up like that," muttered Ronicky, cutting into the surface beneath the patch, with the point of his hunting knife. Instantly there was the sharp gritting of steel against steel. The shout of Ronicky was an indrawn breath.

Here's an honest tinker makes oath he has hoards of gold laid up for Vaurus, and ten Armagnacs hidden in his house. Have at him! Bring fire! Blows hailed thick on the door; a flaming torch was handed over the heads of the throng; horrible growls and roars pervaded them.

Fire gleams from the eyeballs of the beasts when they are in anger, but this fire is cold compared with the burning blaze of wood and coal. No beast will attack mankind when protected by a blazing torch. The gift of Prometheus shows the wisdom of Minerva. Russian Once there was a man who decided to take a journey to the uttermost end of the world where it touches the sky.

I immediately arose, and taking a torch in my hand passed from one chamber to another, on that side from whence the voice proceeded, until looking through a window I found it to be an oratory. It had, as we have in our mosques, a niche, to direct us whither we are to turn to say our prayers; there were also lamps hung up, and two candlesticks with large tapers of white wax burning.

Entering, the blanket was dropped, and preceded by a man, whose features the fitful glare of the torch failed to reveal, the two adventurers were ushered into the main portion of the cavern. In one corner the copper kettle and coiled worm of a whisky still told it was the abode of an illicit distiller, or a "moonshiner."

And by study you can become a master of speech-you can make words a veritable torch, illuminating you and your surroundings. But words alone mean very little. It is the grouping of words, expressions, phrases; the combination of thoughts that make real conversation. "In the beginning of the world," said Xanthes, "primitive man was contented to imitate the language of the animals."

It is allied to his hope of immortality; it is the ethereal part of his nature, which oppression cannot reach; it is a torch lit up in his soul by the hand of Deity, and never meant to be extinguished by the hand of man." On reaching the drawing-room, they found Sam snuffing the candles, and looking as solemn and as dignified as if he had never sung a song or laughed in his life.