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We knew he was a commercial traveller by the way he put his toothpick in his pocket, though poppa said afterwards that he was not exceptionally endowed for that line of business. He was dining at our table, and by his gratified manner when we sat down, it was plain that he could speak English and would be very pleased to do so. Poppa, knowing that his time was short, began at once.

Afterwards he appeared at the Pavilion, and for many years supplied the axioms and aphorisms that young Toothpick and Crutch was in the habit of using to garnish the baldness of his native speech.

"I am supporting three laboratories devoted exclusively to antigraminous research and anyway the rest of the world is amply protected by the oceans." She removed the toothpick in order to laugh unpleasantly. "Once a salesman always a salesman, Weener. Lie to yourself, deny facts, brazen it out.

"I'm as good as you are, anyway," began Beth wrathfully, when she saw Nan in the doorway. "May I come in?" she asked, wistfully. "Mother has a headache, father's gone fishing in a boat, and I've a toothpick in my side." "Come in, deary," said Mrs. Rayburn, who felt an infinite pity for sturdy little Nan, with her invalid mother. "Bless me, what cold hands!

This is immediately moved from place to place, and not only performs, in some measure, the offices of a brush and toothpick, but produces a sudden flow of saliva; and in consequence of both of these causes combined, the teeth are effectually cleansed; and cleanliness is undoubtedly one of the most effectual preventives of decay in teeth yet known.

Yet, though John Willet was full of wonder and misgiving, his guest sat cross-legged in the easy-chair, to all appearance as little ruffled in his thoughts as in his dress the same calm, easy, cool gentleman, without a care or thought beyond his golden toothpick.

He beckoned to the waiter, and said, 'Tell me what place has bred those two fellows on the other side of the fountain. After a side-glance of scrutiny, the reply was, 'Neapolitans. The waiter was ready to make an additional remark, but Ammiani nodded and communed with a toothpick.

"What did he want?" she asked, glancing back toward the door. Mr. Spragg mumbled his invisible toothpick. "Oh, just another of his wild-cat schemes some real-estate deal he's in." "Why did he come to YOU about it?" He looked away from her, fumbling among the letters on the desk. "Guess he'd tried everybody else first.

Pete's cabbage and the accompanying corned beef had been excellent, although the table had been covered with a red cloth, the crockery of the thickest, unbreakable variety and a large toothpick holder the only ornament. Miss Denton always had flowers on the table and her china was what remained in the family after the administration of the hundred slaves.

She was leaning across the table, her hands clasping its edge, her small, plump face even pinker. He threw out his legs beneath the table and sat back, hands deep in pockets, and a toothpick hanging limp from between lips that were sagging. "Gad! if I had my life to live over again as a salaried man, I'd I'd hang myself first!