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Of course, I say this with great pain, and rather between ourselves, as it were; for heaven forbid, that a single syllable should escape either my tongue or pen, that might injure that gentleman's character. The path of duty, however, is often a stern one, as I find it to be on the present occasion. The truth, then, is, that I fear Mr.

"Hadn't you better drink some water?" I said next, as I saw him pass his dry tongue over his parched lips. "Please," he said feebly; and, as I took the glass of water, passed my arm under his head to hold him up and let him drink, I said to myself "You cowardly, treacherous brute! the bullet ought to have killed you, or we should have let you drown."

Faith, the heart of me is Amerikin, if I'm a bog throtter by the tongue. Mind that now, me bould man!" Harry heard without heeding as the horses spattered on.

It was much to the credit of the discipline of the army that no bloodshed followed the fight proper. The loss to the whites was small. The other incident, related by Lieutenant Pitcher, took place in 1890, near Tongue River, in northern Wyoming. The command with which he was serving was camped near the Cheyenne Reservation.

It is probable to me that he wrote this episode as fully as he could at the bidding of Miss Mary. After throwing out a good many short remarks on indifferent topics, he said 'I wish, Spearman, you'd listen to an odd story and keep a close tongue about it just for a bit, till I get more light on it. 'To be sure, said I, 'you may count on me. 'I don't know what to make of it, he said.

"I think not that he was bold," Roger said, "but only a merry, thoughtless young fellow, who in such company as mine let his tongue loose, and said what first came into his head. As to the matter, methought he spoke not without warrant." "And he came from the north, now?"

Whereupon, all that Baccio had said of Maestro Andrea having come to his ears, he, like a wise man, answered him lovingly, saying that works are done with the hands and not with the tongue, that good design is to be looked for not in drawings but in the perfection of the work finished in stone, and, finally, that in future Baccio should speak of him in a different tone.

Max saw that he was being used as a pawn in a game he did not understand, and held his tongue; and the Comptroller-General, finding himself dismissed, retired to do for once as he was told.

Nectar is secreted in the hollow of the lip indicated, somewhat as in the cypripedium. If we now imitate with a probe the habit of the insect and the action of its tongue, we may witness a beautiful contrivance for cross-fertilization. We will suppose the bee to be working at the top of the spike.

To put it plainly, what with cross-currents, head-seas, and shifting winds that come down suddenly and blow great guns from every point of the compass, I am continually finding myself taken all a-back, as it were, and since it is quite impossible to bring to and ride it out, am consequently forced to go about and run for it, and continually pooped, even then, for a woman's tongue is, I'm sure, worse than any following sea.