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"I say, Sarah," said the bold and stalwart Dan, "did you ever see such a jolly couple as Toc and his wife before?" "I never saw any couple before, you know," replied the girl, simply, "except father Adams and his wife." "Well, they are an oldish couple," returned Dan, with a laugh; "but it's my opinion that before long you'll see a good many more couples young ones, too."

At last he seemed to make up his mind, walked straight up to the seaman, and stood before him with folded arms. "Hallo, Toc," said Adams, rousing himself; "you've caught me napping. The truth is, I've bin inventin' a lot of awful whackers to spin a yarn out o' for the child'n.

"Now, Toc, how much does two and three make?" "Six," replied Thursday, without a moment's hesitation. "Oh, you booby!" said Sally. "P'ease, mum, he ain't booby, him's dux," said Dan. "But he's a booby for all that, sir. You hold you tongue, Dan'l, an' tell me what three and two makes." "P'ease, mum, I can't," answered Dan, folding his hands meekly; "but p'r'aps Charlie can; he's clebber you know.

"We will invite Father Adams to go with us," continued Toc, ingeniously referring to Adams in a manner suggestive of the idea that there were other fathers on the island as well as he.

Some of these trees advanced several yards in an upright position, and then fell in dire confusion. Suddenly Toc observed to his horror that the mass was slowly bearing down straight towards his hut. Indeed, so much had his mind been impressed with the general wreck, that he had failed to observe a few tons of stones and rubbish which even then appeared on the point of overwhelming him.

"I know that Toc is winking," replied Sally, holding up a finger of reproof; "but he winks with both eyes, an' you does it with only one, which is naughty. An' when you speaks to me, sir, don't say vink say wink." "Yis, mum," replied little Dan, casting down his eyes with a look of humility so intense that there was a sudden irruption of dazzling teeth along the whole class.