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Meanwhile he himself went along to the shed which was used as a sort of storage-house by some of the fishermen; and here he found lying about plenty of pieces of net that had been cast aside in the process of mending. This business of mending the nets is the last straw on the back of the tired-out fisherman.

The barrier is taken down and all those hundreds of men, wearily disperse to "find a job." Five hundred applicants, twenty acceptances! No wonder one tired-out looking individual ejaculates, "Oh dear, Oh dear! Whatever shall I do?" A few hang about until mid-day on the slender chance of getting taken on then for half a day.

Around the library table were gathered a trinity of souls all eager to avenge the unrequited death of Randall Clayton. The tired-out executors were now on their way to Detroit, sharing with the puzzled journals and the baffled police the hope that "something would finally turn up in the Clayton mystery."

A slick-looking fellow like you can skylark around as he pleases and don't need to have time for the overworked, tired-out ones like me." "Madam, I never dreamed " "Dreamed! Phonzie, I I've got no shame if I tell you, but, God! how many nights I I've lain right here on this couch dreaming of of " "Well?" "Of you and me, Phonzie, hitting it off together." "Madam!"

But Joe said some time when he had grown quite rich, and needed a rest for his tired-out body and nerves, he and Hanny might go, ten years hence, perhaps. It wasn't nearly so formidable when you looked at it through the telescope of ten years; and Hanny could be learning French and German, and may be Italian.

He shouted to them to charge, and she echoed him, leaving his side at last to take command of a wing and sting the tired-out men-at-arms into new enthusiasm. In a minute they were a roaring tide that swept forward to the foot of the hills and surged upward without a check. In a little while they were hurling boulders down on an enemy that seemed inclined to parley.

And everybody on this tired-out side of the world shows a disposition to lean too heavily on us to depend on us so completely that the fear arises that they may unconsciously relax their own utmost efforts when we begin to fight. Yet they can't in the least afford to relax, and, when the time comes, I dare say they will not.

The community has calculated and informed him that it will cost one hundred and twenty-three rupees. "How absurd!" I cried, highly indignant. "Don't submit to this, Panchu. What can they do to you?" Raising to me his patient eyes like those of a tired-out beast of burden, he said: "There is my eldest girl, sir, she will have to be married. And my poor wife's last rites have to be put through."

Do I need to tell toilers of the deep how sweet rest is to the tired-out body? Surely not, because you have felt it, and know all about it better than I do. But it is needful to tell you about rest for the soul, because some of you have never felt it, and know not what it is.

How the fire-light struck out furiously through the Turkey-red curtains, so as to show her to him quicker! to show him the snug coffee-colored dress, and the bits of cherry ribbon at her throat, to show him how the fair curly hair was tucked back to leave the rosy ears bare he thought so dainty, to show him how young she was, how faded and worn and tired-out she was, how hard the years had been, to show him how his great love for her was thickening the thin blood with life, making a child out of the thwarted woman, to show him this more than all, this that his soul watched for, breathless, day and night that she loved him, that she knew nothing better than the ignorant, loving heart, the horny hands that had taken her hungry fate to hold, and made of it a color and a fragrance.