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Easy enough, if only the engagement were announced! But both agreed that silence was imperative. Whatever chance there might be with Lady Lucy would be entirely destroyed were the matter made public before her son had consulted her. "Everybody here is on the tiptoe of expectation," said Sir James. "But that you know; you must face it somehow.

Long after they had bidden each other good-night, long after Herbert had trodden on tiptoe with his candle past his closed door, Lawford sat leaning on his arms at the open window, staring out across the motionless moonlit trees that seemed to stand like draped and dreaming pilgrims, come to the peace of their Nirvana at last beside the crashing music of the waters.

Barker brought the performance to a halt with a crack of his whip. The audience stood on tiptoe. White-faced clowns and gaily attired acrobats crowded around Polly and the pastor. Douglas did not see them. He had come into his own. "He's bringin' her out," whispered Eloise, who still watched at the entrance. Jim dared not look up, his head was still in his hands. "Is it over?" he groaned.

And place your palms against a lover's palms and kiss him with generosity, ma petite. I am not a man; I am a shadow." Marie slipped her arms around him and, standing on tiptoe, put her lips against his. "Je t'aime," she said simply. His eyes deepened. There flashed into them the old, mad humour, the old vitality, the old passion for beauty.

That's right don't talk too much," she added, with a half-nervous little laugh, as the old man, with a kind of fixed smile, and the child shook hands in silence. Presently she saw Black Andy behind the stove. "Well, Andy, have you been here ever since?" she asked, and, as he came forward, she suddenly caught him by both arms, stood on tiptoe, and kissed him.

The lion politely and paternally drew back, and watched the young people enjoying themselves. Meantime approached, on tiptoe, jackals and hyenas, but dared not come too near. Slate-colored vultures settled at a little distance, but not a soul dared interfere with the cubs; they saw the lion was acting sentinel, and they knew better than come near.

He doesn't like children; he tried to throw me over the banister once; he will knock you off the ladder; oh, Jerry! and Harold's voice was almost a sob as he watched the girl going up round after round until the top was reached, and she stood with her flushed, eager face, just on a level with the window so that by standing on tiptoe, she could look into the room.

Although his patronage was such as a mouse might bestow upon a lion, he had a vast opinion of its condescension; and in the warmth of that sentiment, occasionally rose on tiptoe, to slap the Friar on the back.

The doctor arranged the matting-screen so as to admit more air, and bustled towards the door but stopped short on hearing a buzzing sound at the open window, went back on tiptoe, and cleverly captured a large insect. "A splendid longicorn," he said, fishing a pill-box from his pocket, and carefully imprisoning his captive.

Nekhludoff felt so deeply disgusted that he rose silently, and frowning and keeping back a groan of shame, he left on tiptoe, and went to his room. Hardly had Nekhludoff finished dressing the next morning, just as he was about to go down, the footman brought him a card from the Moscow advocate. The advocate had come to St.