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And we must make needed investments to expand access to mental health care. I want to thank the person who has led our efforts to break down the barriers to the decent treatment of mental illness: Tipper Gore.

And I don't believe a word about the three-cornered puff, but rather that it was the invention of that jealous Miss Birch, who is jealous of Miss Raby, jealous of everybody who is good and handsome, and who has HER OWN ENDS in view, or I am very much in error. MR. TIPPER, Uncle to the Masters Boxall. B. Go it, old Boxall! J. Give it him, young Boxall! R. Pitch into him, old Boxall!

I'm going to write, now, for the money to get home with. You know, in the last two affairs, the hazers have been dismissed from the Naval Academy." "Yes," Dave nodded. "It looks black for us. But keep a stiff tipper lip, Danny boy." "It's all my own miserable fault!" uttered Dalzell, clenching his fists, while tears tried to get into his eyes. "You've got me to blame for this, Davy!

"No," said Bloomfield, "he won't tell me." "The cad!" exclaimed Game. "Why ever not?" "He says he's not sure, that's why," said Bloomfield; "but it's my private opinion he's shielding some one or other." "Of course he is," said Ashley. "I shouldn't wonder if he's known who it is all along." "Anyhow," said Tipper, "he ought to be made to clear it up, or else pay up for it.

In the evenings Gabriel would often go up to the little room inhabited by the Chapel-master, on the tipper floor of the Lunas' house; the room contained all the priest's fortune a little iron bed, which had belonged formerly to the seminarist, two plaster busts of Beethoven and Mozart, and an enormous pile of bundles of music, bound scores, loose sheets of ruled paper, so big and so piled up and disorderly that every now and then a pile would slip down, covering the floor of the little room with white sheets to its furthest corner.

As we, however, possess the power of unlocking his desk, and reading the letter to boot, we now take the liberty of laying it in all its graphic beauty and elegance before our readers "To MISTHER KLINTON, SIR: "Af you go this nite bout seven clocks or thereaway, you'd find a Still-Hed an' Worm At full work, in they tipper End iv The brown Glen in Ahadarra.

"As it is he's as good as told us to mind our own business and he'll mind his," said Tipper, little thinking how exactly he had described the case. "If we're not to be allowed to say a word about the management of the school," said Game, "I don't see what right he has to expect us to do his work for him, and keep order." "Oh, it won't do to resign or anything of that sort," said Ashley.

This morning he was taking Game in hand, and that substantial athlete was beginning to find out that "working off one's extra fat" in a tub-pair on a warm summer morning is not all sport. "I wonder if Tipper and Ashley will show, up," said Bloomfield, who was rowing bow for the sake of keeping a better watch on his pupil. "They promised they would.

When the first lady and Tipper Gore visited the region, they saw thousands of our troops and thousands of American volunteers. In the Dominican Republic, Hillary helped to rededicate a hospital that had been rebuilt by Dominicans and Americans working side by side. With her was some one else who has been very important to the relief efforts.

They will always try hard to get the tipper hand, not knowing but that such conduct adds to their own happiness. When once conquered, and proof is afforded that it does not, then the children are always thankful for the discipline. At all events, I have never found it otherwise.