United States or Mayotte ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Every man's road in life is marked by the graves of his personal likings. Intimacy is frequently the road to indifference, and marriage a parricide. From these accidents to the affections, and from the efforts to repair them, life has in many a patched and tinkered look.

But to effect this, it should be planned and executed as a great, harmonious, and centrally powerful scheme, not be tinkered over and frittered away by all the petty doughfaces in every village. In great emergencies, great acts are required. It is evident that the only certain road to Union-izing the South is, to plant in it colonies of Northern men.

Flannery had supplied the inquirers with whatever they needed, and they had gone their way. I, in the course of the next few minutes, emerged from my hedge-hog isolation, tinkered with the carburetor, and crawled back again into concealment. Then someone returned the borrowed tire-iron.

Won't we ever get out of this?" the lad muttered. "We won't unless you hurry," said Jack. "But those two Germans. Won't they be picked up and give the alarm?" "One of 'em won't," said Jack, grimly, "and I feel pretty safe about the other, too. Let's get up in the air." Frank tinkered with the motor and took a firm grip on the wheel. But the hydroplane did not move.

My explanation of the discrepancy is based on this: that the declaration is a much tinkered, composite document, made up over a period of many months, and not logical at every point. The clause here mentioned I explain as a direct echo of the elections to the States-General; it was one of the first drafted; its precise significance was soon lost sight of and its inconsistency remained unnoticed.

I think none of us was very enthusiastic on this subject except Yank; but he finally carried the day. Vasquez, somewhat to his chagrin, I thought, resumed his shovel. Yank and John Semple tinkered away for the allotted two days, and triumphantly produced two cradles at a cost of a round one hundred and fifty dollars.

Isn't there a little draft coming in at the pantry door? So when I'd said good-by to the creeturs, I remember just as plain how Ben put his great neck on my shoulder and whinnied like a baby, that horse know when the season came round and I was going in, just as well as I did, I tinkered up the barn-yard fence, and locked the doors, and went in to supper.

"Were we as near as that to a collision?" she asked, in a hushed whisper. "We were, indeed. The freight was supposed to be on a siding broken down. The crew tinkered things up some way, and the train proceeded. Luckily, the freight engineer saw our electric headlight farther than we could see his oil lamp, and the track happened to be measurably straight."

There was a repair shop not far away all of the towns along the touring routes which have an eye to business have some sort of one and Nyoda repaired thither and fetched a man who tinkered knowingly with the regions underneath the Glow-worm and then reported in a dust choked voice that one of the gears was "on the blink". Just what part of a car's vital organs a gear is I don't know, but I judged it was an important one because Nyoda looked serious.

The first time my grandfather corrupted a whole department of the State survey; the second time he had the official maps of the United States tinkered with that held them for fifteen years. The last time was harder. My father fixed it so that their compasses were in the strongest magnetic field ever artificially set up.