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Before the dancing began, farmer Charest declared, despite the increasing and obvious restlessness of Magloire Meloche to get at the fiddle, that they must have a speech, in English, from his eldest son Vital. "And my son Vital, he has mak me a good son, if he do like to tink alone too much, and sometime do forgetful ting."

"Then," he continued, in the short sharp voice of one accustomed to be obeyed, "Tinker Bell will take you across the sea. Wake her, Nibs." Nibs had to knock twice before he got an answer, though Tink had really been sitting up in bed listening for some time. "Who are you? How dare you? Go away," she cried. "You are to get up, Tink," Nibs called, "and take Wendy on a journey."

"I alvayss like to oplyche a yendleman," he smiled benignly, drew out a toothpick, and added, "ovver I nivveh bporrah or lend to ennabodda." "An' then," said Narcisse, promptly, "'tis imposs'ble faw anybody to be offended. Thass the bess way, Mr. Bison." "Yayss," said the baker, "I tink udt iss." As they were parting, he added: "Ovver you vait dtill you see mine prate!" "I'll do it, seh! And, Mr.

"You make it your business to hear a great deal, Monsieur Gignoux," I retorted, my temper slipping a little. He hastened to apologize. "Mille pardons, Monsieur," he said; "I see you are Federalist but drunk. Is it not so? Monsieur, you tink this ver' silly thing this expedition." "Whatever I think, Monsieur," I answered, "I am a friend of General Clark's." "An enemy of ze cause?" he put in.

Of course Tink had been delighted to hear that Wendy was going; but she was jolly well determined not to be her courier, and she said so in still more offensive language. Then she pretended to be asleep again. 'She says she won't, Nibs exclaimed, aghast at such insubordination, whereupon Peter went sternly toward the young lady's chamber.

"Dere, massa, what you 'tink dat?" said Aboh, throwing himself on the ground as if to contemplate at his ease the magnificent tree before which we stood. "Him 'board ship worth many tusks." "What tree is it?" I asked. It was certainly one of the finest and most graceful trees we had yet met with in the African forest. Its leaves were long, sharp-pointed, and dark green, hanging in large clusters.

Close scrutiny of Perkins showed that the signal had no significance to him. "Miss Lou," resumed Chunk, "dere's not'n fer you but ter walk right down de road ter de fire, berry quiet like, put yo' finger on yo' lips ter Perkins so he tink you 'bout ter play de debil trick, en' den lead Marse Scoville into de gyardin. Ef Perkins foller, I foller 'im. My hoss down by de run en we git off dat away."

"I tink he'll win if he does his best for her." "Does his best for who?" Mike got to cover; his ungoverned tongue was always playing him tricks.

Señor Brown he not like let me go; he tink I do all eet for him. Oh, de conceit of de men, ven I care not for anyting but de fun, de good time! But I talk him long vile, an' Beell he talk, an' maybe he say si for to git us rid of. Tink you not eet vas so, señor?"

"About twenty miles, sah. Where you come from?" "We were off the mouth of the river, and were blown off in the gale." "You tink yourself bery lucky you get back," one of them said. "Bery foolish to go out like dat when not know how to get back." "Well, we have managed to get back now, you see, and none the worse for it. Now, Dan, up with the sail again."