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The Lord who gave them has taken them away, and can give them back again if He has a mind to; but tell me, Ruyter, why will you not think of the things we once spoke of that time when you were so roughly handled by Jan Smit about your soul and the Saviour?" "How you knows I not tink?" demanded the Hottentot sharply. "Because any man can know a tree by its fruit," returned Orpin.

The singing brother on the mainland appeared to amuse him, and he paused to listen, saying, "Dat yere nigger, he got too loud voice!" Then, when he had left our camp and regained the top of the bank, he leaned upon his hoe and yelled: "Say, niggah, ober dere! whar you git dat mule?" "Who you holl'rin' at, you brack island niggah?" was the quick reply. "You lan' niggah, you tink you smart!"

And then he was a steady fellow, a hard worker, good at the traps and not afraid of work of any kind. And then he was friendly to everybody. Had Madge noticed how gentle he was with the little children? That was always a sign of a good man. "Yes, mees," she concluded. "Some time I tink heem de bes' man as ever lif. Heem Hugo not even 'urt one dog, or anyting." So he wouldn't hurt even a dog!

"Perhaps anoder hornbill come and make her nest dere, den we catch her and her husband. Bery good chance of dat, I tink."

"How many hands you tink I've got?" "Eight at the very least," said Spivin, "an' I can prove it." "How you do dat?" asked Zulu, opening up his great eyes. "Easy. Hold out your paws. Isn't that one hand?" "Yes." "An' doesn't that make two hands?" "Yes." "Well, ain't one hand and two hands equal to three hands, you booby? an' don't you know that monkeys have hands instead o' feet?

'Yarra stop 'way pretty quick when Boss bin there. 'Suppose Yarra catch up track of Boss belonga him, come back when sun jump up, tell me. 'My word! Budgery that! Mine tink it Boss yabber-yabber longa trooper. Yarra set off at once, and Done continued his work.

He then turned to go away, but catching sight of Guly, he advanced toward him, nodding his head, winking his great eye, and chuckling joyfully to himself. "Hih, Monsieur; not seen you since that day you so sick in bed. Tink of you one great deal miss you great deal need your picayune a great deal love me yet, Monsieur?"

Now I shall sing to you, how dat Corromantee rascal, my fader, was sell me on de Gold Coast. "Two red nightcap, one long knife, All him get for Quackoo, For gun next day him sell him wife, You tink dat good song, lackoo?" "Chocko, chocko," chattered the monkey, as if in answer. "Ah, you tink so sensible honimal! What is dat? shark?

"Now, tell me, do you think you were right in being so revengeful, when you were in your own country?" inquired Jack. "I tink so den, Massa Easy, sometimes when my blood boil, I tink so now oder time, I no know what to tink but when a man love very much, he hate very much." "But you are now a Christian, Mesty."

"Don't you stay, Sukey," said Janice, "if you are needed in the kitchen. His Excellency " "Dat I ain't, chile. Gin'l Washington he trabell wid his own cook, an' Peg an' I 'se only helpin' Mr. Lee set de table and carry de dishes. Now I help ma honey." "Oh, Sukey," carolled Janice, "it is so good to be home again!" "Guess Missus Sukey tink dat too," said William, halting in his labours.