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It is for those who have found the thread on which those worlds are strung, to bring this knowledge out of the hiddenness; to use it, as the old alchemists declared that they could use their tincture, to transmute all baser; metals into gold. So here is your vocation set out: a vocation so various in its opportunities, that you can hardly fail to find something to do.

Fluid extract of scullcap, 1 ounce. Fluid extract American valerian, 1 ounce. Fluid extract catnip, 1 ounce. Mix all. Dose, from 15 to 30 drops every two hours, in water; most valuable. A valuable tonic in all conditions of debility and want of appetite. Comp. tincture of cinchona in teaspoonful doses in a little water, half hour before meals. Tincture of gentian, 1 ounce.

AFTER PAINS: Salophen in fifteen grain doses. If necessary take another dose in two hours. Should the pains reappear the next day, repeat the dosage. AMENORRHEA: Tincture chloride of iron, three drams; tincture cantharides, one dram; tincture guaiac ammon., one-half dram; tincture aloe, one-half ounce; syrup enough to make six ounces.

Dry Valley Johnson shook the bottle. You have to shake the bottle before using; for sulphur will not dissolve. Then Dry Valley saturated a small sponge with the liquid and rubbed it carefully into the roots of his hair. Besides sulphur there was sugar of lead in it and tincture of nux vomica and bay rum. Dry Valley found the recipe in a Sunday newspaper.

West under his own particular patronage, possessed great conversational powers, and a considerable tincture of humour.

Set the mixture on the embers of coals, and melt it slowly: stirring it well. After it has simmered slowly far a little while, take it off; and while still hot, mix with it a few drops of oil of roses, or of oil of neroli, or tincture of musk. Cut very fine a drachm of white wax and a drachm of spermaceti.

See, Michelet, see, Brugneau: the dressings have come away. Sergeant, Sergeant, the dressings are loosened." He clapped his hands, possessed by a furtive joy; then he suddenly became conscious, and with a deep furrow between his brows, he began to give orders again. "Not any tincture of iodine to-day, doctor. Take away those forceps, doctor, take them away."

Kircher. Art. Mag. lucis & umbræ, lib. 1. part. 3. In this passage we may take notice of the following Particulars. 'Tis true, that Monardes himself also says, that the Wood is White; and it is affirm'd, that the Wood which is of a Sadder Colour is Adulterated by being Imbu'd with the Tincture of a Vegetable, in whose Decoction it is steep'd.

Casaubon judged better, and his opinion is grounded on sure authority: that satire was derived from satura, a Roman word which signifies full and abundant, and full also of variety, in which nothing is wanting to its due perfection. It is thus, says Denier, that we say a full colour, when the wool has taken the whole tincture and drunk in as much of the dye as it can receive.

Thus avarice is said to shoot up in ancient soil, and thus, I myself bud forth in history at fifty-six. The cameleon is said to receive a tincture from the colour of the object that is nearest him; but the human mind in reality receives a bias from its connections. Link a man to the pulpit, and he cannot proceed to any great lengths in profligate life.