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Ptolemy's bronze coins have the head of Serapis or Jupiter in the place of that of the king, as is also the case with those of his successors; but few of these bronze pieces bear any marks from which we can learn the reign in which they were coined. They are of better metal than those of other countries, as the bronze is free from lead and has more tin in it.

Robert found a spring less than a hundred yards away, and Tayoga soon kindled a fire near it with his flint and steel, on which the hunter warmed their food. Each had a small tin cup from which he drank clear water as they ate, and Robert, elastic of temperament, rejoiced with the hunter. "You are right, Dave," he said.

Faquita came to the fire and picked up the coffeepot, pouring the thick black liquid into the waiting line of tin cups. "It is time for us to finish and be on the movenot to just talk of what must be done." Drew looked up in surprise. The girl was wearing breeches, ready to ride.

"She did, yer honor, for two pound tin." "And she owes seven pound. And Dan Coulahan " "Dan didn't cut the oats, good or bad." "I'll cut it for him, then. Was ould Tierney there?"

Who knows but ye're a police spy, an officer in disguise, or 'Oh, slash yer gammon, Bloody Mike, exclaimed the stranger, speaking with a coarse, vulgar accent 'I know you well enough, tho' you don't remember me. Police spy, hey? Why, I've just come out of quod myself, d'y see and I've got tin enough to stand the rum for the whole party. So call up, fellers what'll ye all have to drink?

Then the rider shrank together again and seemed to be bouncing up and down on the back of his horse like a little grinning monkey. The wounded man rubbed his eyes. What was that? Was he awake or had he been dreaming? He asked the ambulance soldier for a drink, and the latter at once handed him some water in a tin cup.

At the same time he recalled suddenly that he had not played a single game with his tin soldiers that whole morning. The boy had a logical mind. He knew that Granny's story had not been finished, and he wanted all of it. At the first opportune moment he asked his mother: "Was Granny a little girl when she came to Stockholm?" "No," said his mother unsuspectingly, "she was already a young woman."

"I will remain with you." "And so will I," declared the Tin Woodman and the Shaggy Man and Jack Pumpkinhead, in turn. Tiktok, the machine man, also said he intended to stand by Ozma. "For," said he, "I should be of no use at all in Kan-sas." "For my part," announced Dorothy, gravely, "if the Ruler of Oz must not desert her people, a Princess of Oz has no right to run away, either.

Stella lay back and tried to sleep; but sleep would not come to her. She was tired, but repose eluded her. The beating of the unceasing rain upon the tin roof, and the perpetual rattle of the train made an endless tattoo in her brain from which there was no escape.

On the table-box was set my graniteware plate, knife, fork, and spoon, a paper napkin, the Prince Albert and the St. Charles. Lest this sound strange to the uninitiated, the St. Charles was the condensed milk and the Prince Albert was an old tin can which had once contained tobacco but which now contained the sugar.