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There had been a time when Timmy had hoped that he would grow up to look like his godfather, but now he was aware that this hope would never be fulfilled, for Radmore, in this photograph, at any rate, had a strongly-featured, handsome face, very unlike what his mother had once called "Timmy's wizened little phiz."

It was evident that the party was going well, and that everyone in there was merry and at their ease. "Would you mind opening the door, Godfrey?" There was a slight quiver of apprehension in Timmy's voice. Radmore opened the door, and for a fleeting moment he saw an attractive, placid scene spread out before him. The two girls, in their pretty light dresses, were standing by the wood fire.

The Tosswills had been great people for private theatricals, charades, and so on Timmy's own mother being a really good actress and an excellent mimic, but she did not often now indulge in an exhibition of her powers. At last Timmy looked round at the clock. It was ten minutes to eight, and his mother would not be down for another five minutes. So he went back to the window.

Drawing her little boy quickly after her, Janet left the drawing-room, crossed the corridor, walked into the empty schoolroom, and then, to Timmy's unutterable surprise, burst into bitter tears. Now Timmy had never seen his mother cry and she herself was very much taken aback.

"What's that got to do with the people on the Cerberus?" demanded the skipper. "It's our job to get them and the Cerberus back on the way to port!" "I know!" conceded Sergeant Madden, "and the girl my son Timmy's going to marry is one of them. But I don't think we'll have much trouble. Have you got any multipoly plastic on the Aldeb?" The skipper nodded, blankly.

As the baize door, which shut off the kitchen quarters, opened, he saw his godson and Rosamund before they saw him, and he heard Rosamund say, in a cross tone: "It only means that someone else will have to help her; I think it's very selfish of you, Timmy." From being full of joy Timmy's face became downcast and sullen. "Hullo!" Radmore called out, "I want you to show me the garden, Timmy.

Time itself was broken. All her minutes were scattered like fine sand. February 27th, 1915. Dearest Mother and Dad, I simply don't know how to thank you all for the fur coat. It's pronounced the rippingest, by a long way, that's been seen in these trenches. Did Ronny really choose it because it "looked as if it had been made out of Timmy's tummy?" It makes me feel as if I was Timmy.

And we'd left them without a thing to tell us that was important enough to mention unless they told us about the Cerberus. We had 'em baffled. They needed to say something, and that was the only thing they could say!" He yawned. "The Aldeb reports everybody on the Cerberus safe and sound, only frightened, and the skipper said Timmy's girl was less scared than most. I'm pleased.

But besides that, he thought of the way Timmy would feel if anything happened to the girl he meant to marry. As Timmy's father, the sergeant had to do something. He wanted to do it fast. But it had to be done the right way. The route he chose was rocky, but it was nearly the only practicable route away from the burned-dead landing place. He climbed toward what on this planet was the east.

One was to Records for the customary full information on the Cerberus and on the Procyron system. The other was to the flat where Timmy lived with him. It was going to be lonely when Timmy got married and had a home of his own. Sergeant Madden dialed for message-recording and gruffly left word for Timmy. He, Timmy's father, was going on ahead to make the report on the Cerberus.