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Harvey, however, disregarded her opinions and feelings, and continued his employment of filling the pack, which soon grew to something like the ordinary size of the peddler's burden. "I'm rather timersome about this conveyance," said the purchaser, having at length waded through the covenants of the deed. "Why so?" "I'm afraid it won't stand good in law.

"I am a bit quaky," replied the boy, and would have admitted as much to no other man, and to few women. "And none the worse for that, sir. It's a poor heart that can't feel fear. If a man's not a bit timersome about facin his Maker, then he ought to be. Pluck's doin your duty although you are afear'd.

"Why, generally afther twelve at night; and what makes it more strange is, that poor Mary's more afeard o' me than she is of the ghost. She says it appears to her in her bedroom every night; but she knows I'm so timersome that she keeps her door always locked for fraid I'd see it, poor child." "Does it terrify her?"

"That's true," said his companion; "it must be natural to be afraid, or why would they indeed? but some people are naturally more timersome than others." "I intinded to go home for my other clo'es an' linen this evenin'," observed Bartle, "but I won't go out to-night." "I must thin," said Connor; "an, with the blessin' o' God, will too; come what may."