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Is this land a dream? ... Am I myself a dream, and thou the only manifest sweet Truth in a world of drifting shadows! ... Speak to me, gentle Saint! ... In what vast mystery have I been engulfed? ... in what timeless trance of soul- bewilderment? ... in what blind uncertainty and pain? ... O Sweet! ... resolve my wordless wonder!

This had excited her so much that at risk of toppling into the street, she had craned her neck from her window, and observed a similar illumination in the house of Major Flint. The next night, the pangs of indigestion having completely vanished, she set her alarum clock at the same timeless hour, and had observed exactly the same phenomenon.

McTaggart tells us, 'but a stable and timeless state. 'The true knowledge of God begins, Hegel writes, 'when we know that things as they immediately are have no truth. 'The consummation of the infinite aim, he says elsewhere, 'consists merely in removing the illusion which makes it seem yet unaccomplished.

It must be able to build into its structure new sciences and philosophies and yet it must touch the whole of life with some sense of the timeless, and above all, it must include the whole of life, nor depend upon particularized appeals or passing phases of thought.

SABIKALPA means subject to time or change; some link with PRAKRITI or matter remains. NIRBIKALPA means timeless, changeless; this is the highest state of SAMADHI. "Why are you averse to organizational work?" Master's question startled me a bit. It is true that my private conviction at the time was that organizations were "hornets' nests." "It is a thankless task, sir," I answered.

Consider the two time-systems α and β, each with its own timeless space and its own family of instantaneous moments with their instantaneous spaces. Let M and N be respectively a moment of α and a moment of β. In M there is the direction of β and in N there is the direction of α. But M and N, being moments of different time-systems, intersect in a level. Call this level λ.

In this idea we also find the only possible and simple solution of the before-mentioned problem of a timeless time which Fr. Vischer wishes to propose to philosophy. The Evolution Theory and Theism.

In some sense time extends beyond nature. It is not true that a timeless sense-awareness and a timeless thought combine to contemplate a timeful nature. Sense-awareness and thought are themselves processes as well as their termini in nature. In other words there is a passage of sense-awareness and a passage of thought. Thus the reign of the quality of passage extends beyond nature.

Furthermore note that the example of the man in the balloon, the observer on earth, and the observer in the sun, shows that every assumption of relative rest requires a timeless space with radically different points from those which issue from every other such assumption. The theory of the relativity of space is inconsistent with any doctrine of one unique set of points of one timeless space.

Christ for him is the wisdom of God manifested in all things, and chiefly in the mind of man. Through him we reach the blessedness of an intuitive knowledge of God. Salvation is an escape from the "inadequate" ideas of the mortal human personality to the "adequate" and timeless ideas of God.