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She might not have accomplished it if he had not come to the rescue with two boys, one Tim Biggs, the other a tall, freckled-faced, light-haired fellow whom Jack greeted as Tom, saying, "Can you manage to find a good position for Miss Smith?"

The two men stole away. The Irishman poured out a glassful of neat whisky and passed it to his visitor. "Clients of mine," he explained. "Tim Crooks is in politics. Got your message, boss. What's the figure?" "Two thousand!" The Irishman whistled and looked thoughtfully down at the table. "Isn't it enough?" Fischer asked. "Enough?" was the hoarse reply.

Now that a definite plan of action had been decided upon their spirits rose considerably, and they passed the afternoon in eager anticipation of the crisis. Rather earlier than expected Stubby and Tim came to say "they had been appointed a committee to escort their guests to the banquet hall, where dinner would at once be served."

Then he took poor Tim by the scruff of his neck, and observed that he had been teaching the pup to swim because he was water-shy, and that it was good for all kinds of pups to know how to swim. Then he pushed Tim into the water after the pup in order to teach him to keep his mouth shut and mind his own business.

Johnny Challan was explaining to his companions exactly how the game was played. "It's a case of keep your eye on the card, I should think," said big Tim Nolan. "If you got a quick enough eye to see him flip the card around, you ought to be able to pick her." "That's what this sport said," agreed Challan. "'Your eye agin my hand, says he." "Well, I'd like to take a try at her," mused Tim.

Judy, Tim, and Maria were just little children. It was impossible to say exactly what their ages were, except that they were just the usual age, that Judy was the eldest, Maria the youngest, and that Tim, accordingly, came in between the two. Their father did his best for them; so did their mother; so did Aunt Emily, the latter's sister.

So for the next half hour he told Tim tales of his own life, the chief glory of which had been his achievements in the realm of sport, and, before he was aware, he was describing to the boy the great International with Wales, till, remembering the disastrous finish, he brought his narrative to an abrupt close. "And did yeh lick 'em?" demanded Tim in a voice of intense excitement.

Pray ask no Questions, Sir; but if you are what you seem, Give a Protection to an unhappy Maid. Do not reply, but let us haste away. Cel. Hah What do I hear! sure, 'tis Diana. Madam, with haste, and joy, I'll serve you. I'll carry her to my own Lodgings. Enter Bellmour, Sir Tim. Sham, and Sharp. Sir Tim. Lord, Lord, that you should not know your Friend and humble Servant, Tim.

He was closely followed by his friend Little Tim, who, knowing well the red man's staid and self-possessed character, was somewhat surprised to see by his flashing eyes and quick breathing that he was unusually excited. "Whitewing is anxious," he said, as they ran together. "The woman whom I love better than life is in Bald Eagle's camp," was the brief reply.

"Captain Sedley says you still associate with your old companions," added Charles. "What if I do?" "That would be ground enough for turning you out." "Would it? They are better fellows than you long faces, and you will say so when you know them," replied Tim, speaking as though it were a settled fact that he would know them by and by.