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"We're goin' to the 'orspital all right. That's why I came to fetch yer. There's someone wants to see yer, ever so bad." "I know about the Good Samaritan," announced the boy. Tilda stared. "I bet yer don't," she contradicted. "He found a man, a traveller, that some thieves had hurt and left by the road. Going down to Jericho, it was; and he poured oil and wine into his wounds."

"Take your time, child you will take your time, I beg." He waved his hand, and withdrew to rejoin his wife on the cabin-top. Tilda studied the slips of paper, while Arthur Miles edged away again towards the gunwale for another look into the magic water. "Stop that!" she commanded, glancing up and catching him in the act. "Stop that, and read these for me: I can't manage handwriting."

Little Tilda Tulip had two lips as pretty as any little girl might want. But Tilda Tulip tilted her two lips into a pout, on a moment's notice. If any thing went wrong and things had a way of going wrong with her if any thing went at all wrong, she would go wrong, too, as if it would do any good to do wrong. Some people are always trying to mend crooked things by getting crooked themselves.

Tilda, who for the last minute or so had been unconsciously holding Arthur Miles by the hand, was astonished of a sudden to find it trembling in hers. "You mustn' mind what Mr. Mortimer says," she assured the child encouragingly "it's on'y his way." Mr. Mortimer stepped jauntily across the gang-plank, declaiming with so much of gesture as a heavy market-basket permitted

And, sure enough, there was brave little Tilda standing alone in a great field waiting for the dragon to come and take her away. Lumbering heavily along like a monstrous turtle, and snorting blue smoke, the dragon was advancing toward her. Bobo ran down into the field and stood beside Tilda, ready to defend her to the end. The dragon came nearer and nearer.

"Igsplosion or no igsplosion," replied the Fat Lady incontestably, "'ere I h'am." "Sure yer can't move?" Tilda coaxed. At this the Fat Lady showed some irritation. "I ought to know what I'm capable of by this time. . . . If you could run along and fetch somebody with a tackle and pulley now " "I got a friend comin' presently.

"True or not, 'twouldn't do yer no 'arm to allow that, seemin' to me." Although she said it defiantly, her tone carried no conviction. Arthur Miles made no response, but read on this American gentleman paid our fares on by railway to join him, and gave us half a suffering for X.'s. "Is that right?" "Sure," said Tilda. "Gold money is all sufferin's or 'arf-sufferin's.

Oh! base and degrading 'Tilda! 'Gender, suggested Mr Squeers, regarding the spectators with a malevolent eye literally A malevolent eye. 'Yes, said Miss Squeers; 'but I thank my stars that my ma is of the same 'Hear, hear! remarked Mr Squeers; 'and I wish she was here to have a scratch at this company.

One of these doors stood open, and 'Dolph, dashing within, at once set up a frantic barking. "Hullo!" Tilda stepped quickly in front of the boy to cover him. "There's somebody inside."

And 'Dolph whom Tilda had left with strict orders to remain on board no sooner caught sight of the children than he leapt ashore and came cringing. The dog appeared to be in mortal terror; a terror at which the children no longer wondered as they drew near the boat. Terrible sounds issued from the cabin cries of a woman imploring mercy, fierce guttural oaths of a man determined to grant none.