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Ann opened her eyes, her lips quivered, and she turned to her mother. "Take lil' Ann!" she pleaded. Then Nella-Rose drank deep of the bitter cup, but she smiled and spoke one of the lies over which angels have wept forgivingly since the world began. "Lil' Ann, the kind lady is going to keep yo' right safe and happy 'til mother makes things straight back there with with yo' father, in the hills.

Lat my sowl rest a moment wi' deith, and haud awa wi yer funeral. 'Sufficient til the day, ye ken!" "Eh dear, but I'm no like you, Peter! Whan the sowl's gane, I tak no content i' the presence o' the puir worthless body, luikin what it never mair can be! Na, I wad be rid o' 't, I confess! But be it as ye wull, my ain man!

And because mention is made of it in mens wils and testaments, I warrant you there is none will set his hand to them, til the physitian hath given his last doome, and utterly forsaken him. And God knowes, being then betweene such paine and feare, with what sound judgment they endure him.

I promised the bairn I would lat Francie ken whaur she was, and gie him the chance o' sayin his say til her. 'Verra weel, lassie! ye ken what ye're aboot, and I s' no interfere wi' ye. But, eh, ye'll be tired afore ye win to yer bed! 'I'll no tramp it, mother; I'll tak the gray mear. 'She's gey and fresh, lassie; ye maun be on yer guaird. 'A' the better! returned Kirsty.

"Aw shucks," returned the boy, shaking off his sister's hand with manly impatience. "Couldn't I wait 'til she was away somewheres else 'fore I touched it off? An', anyway, what if yer wonderful princess lady was to git hurt, I guess she's one of 'em, ain't she?"

"I never knowed I liked music so well, 'til I heer'd th' Leetle Woman sing," declared Ham the moment the sound of Mrs. Dickson's voice ceased. "Her singin' seems tew come a-knockin' right at th' door of a feller's heart. Now, dew sing us another one," and he turned pleadingly to Mrs. Dickson. "Yes, I will sing you just one more song; and then we must be going.

Den Marse Ben got sick and cum home and brung me along and I staid with 'em 'til I wuz 'bout fo'ty, when I gets married and moved to Wyllis Hill. My wife, was Mary Williams, but she died long time 'go and so did our little son, since dat time I've lived alone." "I think Abraham Lincoln wuz a mighty fine man, he is de 'Saint of de colured race'." "Good day suh."

She didn't stay till Christmas; she went 'way to to heaven." "Oh!" "If Metalka had stayed, I might have gone to school this year." "I thought you had been to school, Lula." "Oh, no! only to little school out here summers, little school some ladies made; and Metalka tole me taught me showed me ev'ry day after she came back ev'ry day, till til she went 'way.

They held the Public School there and had preaching on Sundays 'til the teacher, the preacher and all the audience went off to the mines. They tried the Hounds there, too." "The Hounds?" my friend looked dazed. "Yes, the Sidney Coves that lived in Sidneyville, along there on Kearny near Pacific." Light had failed to dawn.

Though I have Spoke of all the officers with that Respect they Richly deserve I Cannot in Justice to Capt. Darkes Company when the Cannon was Retaken the Artilery men being all killed and Lying in heaps about the Peases who he Draged away and Stood to the Cannon himSelf til the Retreat and then within a few yards of the enemy Spiked the Gun with his Baonet Capt.