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And so it came about to-day; after a halt for tiffin, I set forward in brilliant sunshine, while Jane remained quietly perched on the hillside, as the shikari said the road was not good for a lady.

No one in Fuchsia's circle received so many visits as Sophy Leigh; she was fond of Sophy, and frequently turned up at "Heidelberg" to tiffin or to tea, although she did not care about the set of people that she met there stout German ladies with somewhat aggressive manners, or second-rate women from the fringe of Society.

"Only Dick is such a madcap," she said. "How shall we keep him from getting up to mischief in No Man's Land precisely as I have done?" Mrs. Raymond opined that Averil ought by then to have discovered the secret of managing the young man, and they went to tiffin on the veranda in excellent spirits. Dr. Seddon was there and young Steele, one of Raymond's subalterns.

Captain Hambleton's picnic was the last of the season, and everybody called it the brightest. "The Glen" resounded to the laughter at tiffin, and the shades of night were falling ere stray couples turned up from its more sequestered recesses.

After tiffin they all went on board, where their baggage had been sent before, the Italian band playing all the time on Captain O'Flaherty's steamer, which put them on board. General Noury had sent word to Captain Sharp that he should continue with the party to Colombo, and that he could proceed at once to that port.

I gave him a noncommittal smile and walked to the lane. Retrieving my bundle, I joined Amar with conspiratorial caution. We drove to Chadni Chowk, a merchandise center. For months we had been saving our tiffin money to buy English clothes. Knowing that my clever brother could easily play the part of a detective, we thought to outwit him by European garb.

I have made up my mind to that, and having just had tiffin, and drank a whole pint of bitter beer, I feel myself quite competent to criticise the Taj with the best of them, and especially well fitted just now to stand no nonsense.

Diana Theodosia Comfort Green; but let him not insult her decrepit widowhood, nor alarm her imbecile offsprings of various denominations. For the 'Eurasian' is a great institution, without which polkas at Coolee Bazaar were not, nor pic-nics dansantes at Chandernagore." But now to tiffin. I smell a smell of curried prawns, and the first mangoes of the season are fragrant.

Transcribe letter of No to Y. M. C. A. Secretary. 12.30 Dr. Wardoff came to Tiffin. He hath given me six months to make answer to his clothes or suit. 2 p.m. Unbound feet of Luey See. Delicious operation. Time two hours. 5 p.m. Took from left ear of FooFoo bamboo tree. Upon mine ear fall the sound of approaching feet-steps. Ewing making entrance.

The humorous writings of Seba Smith were his models, and the oddities of "John Phoenix" were his especial admiration. Being of a roving temper Charles Browne soon left Boston, and, after traveling as a journeyman printer over much of New York and Massachusetts, he turned up in the town of Tiffin, Seneca County, Ohio, where he became reporter and compositor at four dollars per week.