United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The shack above the Big Crack's rim was as tidy as any lighthouse or fur-trapper's cabin. He tended his air-apparatus with a fine precision. It was perfectly simple. In the shadow of the shack he had an unfailing source of extreme low temperature. Air from the shack flowed into a shadow-chilled pipe.

"Thou sayest well. I shall have company now," said the old lady with a smile. "Methought some of my brethren and sisters should be like to have after." "I reckon," responded Purcas, "we be sure at the least of our Father's company." The great door just then rolled back, and they heard the gaoler's voice outside. "Gramercy, but this is tidy work!" cried he. "Never had no such prisoners here afore.

"You see plenty of ruins," interrupted Himself in a tone that promised argument. "Yes, but ruins are different; they are finished; they are not tottering, they HAVE tottered! Our country is too big, I suppose, to be 'tidy, but how I should like to take just one of the United States and clear it up, back yards and all, from border line to border line!"

The children set about their tasks, and Humphrey cried out, as he very often did, "Now, this is jolly!" While the dinner was cooking Jacob amused the children by showing them how to put things in order; the floor was swept, the hearth was made tidy. He showed Alice how to wash out a cloth, and Humphrey how to dust the chairs. They all worked merrily, while little Edith stood and clapped her hands.

"'Tis time you did; 'most time to turn her off now, you see." "Oh, Massa, don't say dat word," answered the woman, imploringly. "'Pears I couldn't b'ar to turn her off yet, couldn't live without her, no ways. Reckon I'll call her Tidy; dat ar's my sister's name, and she's got dat same sweet look 'bout de eyes, don't you think so, Massa?

Swan best! Her white gown was always so smooth and tidy, her neck so graceful, and she seemed so kind, that Little White Fox thought she was just the most perfect lady that ever was!

The large clam such was the species to which the shell-fish belonged was placed on the ground. "Where de oders?" asked Nub. "I want Tidy to help make fireplace. Dan Tidy, where are you?" shouted Nub.

It was splendidly harnessed, and drawn by two handsome and vigorous horses. The driver sat motionless, in his great box-coat, with the handle of his whip resting on his right knee. "Here's weather to drive about in, with such tidy dukes as yours, comrade!" said the humble hackney-coachman to this automaton, who remained mute and impassible, without even appearing to know that he was spoken to.

A soldier was even sweeping up all traces of the invasion of armed men and making everything tidy. It all seemed like a horrid dream that was going to end up happily after all. Presently Vivie would wake up completely and there would even be no Oberst, no orderly; only the peaceful life of the farm that was going on yesterday. Here a sound of angry voices interrupted her musings.

You see, sir, being a chauffeur in the early days of motor-cars, I've had a tidy bit of experience, if you understand what I mean. Because in them days a chauffeur was like what an air-pilot is to-day. He didn't have to ask, he didn't. And what I say is this I say we're mugs to take 'em seriously." "You think we are!" bubbled Mr.