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'Ay, but the women, Johnnie; ye couldn't knock them down; that's why a woman's tale's allus the worst. 'An' what can they say? the worst is that if any man comes nigh you for a kiss or the like o' that and no offence, Jen, but you're an uncommon tidy girl to kiss he sees another man betwixt himself an' you. Fools they be to believe such trash!

Put on yer best frock, and make yer hair tidy, an' I'll see to yer gettin' a good chance." Poor Glory colored up, as Mrs. Grabbling might have done if the President's wife had bidden her. Not so, either. With a glow of feeling, and an oppression of gratitude, and a humility of delight, that Mrs. Grubbling, under any circumstances whatever, could have known nothing about.

However, Stella was friends with her again, and the first day at Heather Road ended happily enough; for, tired though they were, the four girls were able to go to bed in a tidy house, with carpets, curtains, and furniture in their proper places, which was really a comfortable home again. 'Stella!

They are kind mothers, thrifty housewives, very fond of their 'man, not averse to the fascinations of dress, and in their persons and houses extremely trim and tidy, while the poorest quarters of the large towns are, compared with the slums of London, Manchester, and Liverpool, pictures of neatness.

"It's horrid, and it's not doing it," thought the child. "I wish I hadn't gived her that tidy and that pin-cushion. But I will go on somehow till the color is out. They will send for me when they hear that I'm bad. Perhaps I'll look bad to-night." But Pen's "perhapses" were knocked on the head, for Miss Tredgold made a sudden and most startling announcement.

Do you remember them? We weren't very tidy, perhaps, because we'd been playing brigands in the shrubbery; and we knew we should have to wash for dinner as soon as we got back, anyhow. But still Denny said he thought he remembered us. But Daisy said, 'Of course they are, and then looked as if she was going to cry.

I rang the bell and was so quickly admitted, I concluded the tidy looking little maid had been posted at the door on the lookout for me. I gave her my card and inquired for Mrs. Le Grande; a formality quite unnecessary, as she assured me she knew who I was and that the lady was already waiting for me. "Just come this way. She has a parlor upstairs; and my! but its a stunner."

Polly knew this, felt that his society would not be a great affliction to herself at least, and whispering to Maud, "He won't know," she added, aloud, "Come in if you like, and stir this cake for me; it needs a strong hand, and mine are tired. There, put on that apron to keep you tidy, sit here, and take it easy."

When, at last, he returned somewhat sadly to his work, it was all done again, and the schoolroom perfectly tidy. Now his curiosity began to be excited, and also gratitude to his invisible benefactor began to stir in his heart. He would certainly find out on Thursday what it all meant.

It made her eyes so deep and shining. She saw now why bad women rouged.... Her redness deepened at the thought. But suddenly she noticed for the first time that the collar of her dress was cut too low. It showed the shrunken lines of the throat. She rummaged feverishly in a tidy scentless drawer, and snatching out a bit of black velvet, bound it about her neck. Yes that was better.