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"Never in my life," said Cynthia. "We'll all go," said Jethro, and he repeated it once or twice as they came to Main Street, seemingly greatly tickled at the prospect. And there was the Truro Franchise Bill hanging over him, with only a week left of the session, and Lovejoy's and Duncan's men sitting so tight in their seats! William Wetherell could not understand it. Half an hour later, when Mr.

Quite by accident he had come in contact with that great unknown quantity "the popular will," and, without in the least realizing what he was about, had first touched it on the raw, and then tickled it; and the "dear good beast," as Max phrased it, recognizing only the second part of his performance, had turned rapturously round and given him its paw.

"It seems as if Grove Street was full of trouble, for while Grace was crying over her pig, Elsie Winters next door was crying over her blue henrietta dress that didn't dye right. Elsie swears it was old dye Martin sold her and wishes we'd have another drug store because a little competition would do Martin good. And next door to Elsie, Pete Sweeney's tickled to death.

Contrary to their fears nothing happened to give them cause for alarm, and as for the fellows around the landing, Thad found them about on a par with the usual loungers, good-natured chaff predominating. Indeed, one of them even made him a present of a little yellow cur that had a pair of bright eyes and an affectionate muzzle, which tickled Thad immensely, he had longed so much for a pet.

When they sat down to the evening meal all of the children produced the cake in great triumph. "Oh, Nan, a real cake!" cried Mrs. Bobbsey. "How nice it looks!" "We've got some real housekeepers around here," said Mr. Bobbsey. "I'll have to try that sure." When the cake was cut all ate liberally of it. They declared it just right and said it could not be better. Even Dinah was tickled.

Zo set the example. "You haven't tickled me yet," she said. "Show Carmina how you do it." He gravely operated on the back of Zo's neck; and his patient acknowledged the process with a wriggle and a scream. The performance being so far at an end, Zo called to the dog, and issued her orders once more. "Now make Tinker kick his leg!" Benjulia obeyed once again. The young tyrant was not satisfied yet.

The late supper a fourth meal always served on board the "International" was something of a scramble, but our young people enjoyed it, as few of the older passengers were present, and though an occasional fit of squeamishness disturbed both twins, while Bess had to disappear suddenly, Dwight ate calmly on of everything offered, with an equanimity that tickled Joey, and excited the envy of all.

Still, I had an object in coming, and as I was there I thought I might as well gain it. The notion of Davies in his Norfolk jacket and rusty flannels haranguing a frigid German in evening dress in a 'gorgeous' saloon tickled my fancy greatly. 'He seemed very much astonished to see me; had evidently seen the Dulcibella arrive, and had wondered what she was.

But he couldn't forget how the widow might feel if he canned her stepbrother and what's a man, more or less, in a case uh that kind?" "Now look here, Jawbreaker," Billy protested cheerfully, "don't yuh go oozing comfort and sympathy on my account. I don't know but what I'm tickled to death.

They were so particular that they could not be easily mistaken, and I was so tickled and pleased with the droll likeness that I had drawn that I laughed immoderately at it. I tried no other figure but this; and I tried it in every situation in which a man and a schoolmaster could be placed.