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"Some said it was the opposite," interposed his wife; but Musker answered angrily, "Then they didn't tell it right. No woman born could twist Geoffrey Thurston from his path, and when she gave him bad counsel he turned his back on her. A fool these dolts called him. He was a leal, hard man, and what was a light woman's greediness to him?"

Lauman came up and peered into the dusk; Thurston observed that he carried his Winchester unobtrusively in one hand. "Why, hello, boys," he greeted cheerfully. But for the rifle you never would have guessed he knew their errand. "Hello, Lauman," answered Park, matching him for cheerfulness. Then: "We rode over to hang them Wagners." Lauman grinned.

Had his course been clear to woo her for his wife, it would have been easy to ask permission of Edith to visit her at her house; but such was not the case, and Thurston, tampering with his own integrity of purpose, rather wished that this much coveted acquaintance should be incidental, and their interviews seem accidental, so that he should not commit himself, or in any way lead her to form expectations which he had no surety of being able to meet.

Three cheers for Allingford. The big assembly shouted till the roof rang and the windows rattled; then the meeting slowly dispersed, a feeble attempt to raise three cheers for Thurston being met with as many groans as plaudits.

Thurston rose and announced: "My brothers, we will sing hymn No. 14 on the paper." Maggie looked and discovered that it was the hymn that had once moved her so dramatically in London with the words By all Thy sores and bloody pain Come down and heal our sins again. and with the last refrain: By the blood, by the blood, by the blood of the Lamb We beseech Thee.

With trembling fingers Mollie opened it and gazed in upon the exquisite blue frock that had already caused her so much embarrassment and regret. Should she wear the frock that night? Mollie Thurston asked herself. And what would Bab say when she saw it? For Mollie had not yet mustered up the courage to make her confession. Well, come what might, Mollie decided to wear her new frock this one time.

It is awfully pretty. Now I want to make the sash." "I did not get any ribbons, Bab." Mollie answered peevishly. "I told you I would not wear that old yellow dress." Mollie Thurston was not well the next day. She stayed in bed and explained that her head ached. And Harriet Hamlin behaved very strangely.

You were chicken-hearted that day, and you know it; you've just admitted it. Why, in another minute I'd have had that gun myself, and I'd have shown you but Park got it before I really had a chance. I hated to seem spectacular, but it served you right. If you'd had any nerve I wouldn't have had to sit there and tell you what to do. If ever I marry anybody, Mr. Thurston, it will be a man."

He came near going to the other extreme and refusing to write at all. The wagons were out two weeks which is quite long enough for a crisis to arise in the love affair of any man. By the time the horse roundup was over, one Philip Thurston was in pessimistic mood and quite ready to follow the wagons, the farther the better. Also, they could not start too soon to please him.

In this she did violence to her feelings, which were sore on the subject of the marriage. It was not only on account of the inglorious clouds he trailed. In any case she would have felt it as a slight that her friend should have married without her assistance, and so far outside the charmed circle of Thurston Square. She herself was for the moment disappointed with Anne.