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That night Captain McCurdy lost his life by the falling of a large birch tree, which one of the rangers cut down on the hillside the tree came thundering down the mountain and killed the Captain instantly, Lieutenant Moses Hazen succeeded to the command, and the party continued up the river to St.

A constant thundering sounded afar off as though an invisible storm were always approaching from beyond the blue horizon line. The Count, noticing his evident interest in the noise, interrupted his German chat to explain. "It is the cannon. A battle is going on. Soon we shall join in the dance."

Little by little the soft mud was worked away, and the current, feeling the banks weaken, seemed to lose interest in its natural bed. At first the stream only caressed its new-found outlet, but gradually it concentrated its forces, and, with a mighty rush, attacked the slight remaining resistance and went thundering off into the ditch. A smothered cry went up from the Moros: "Piang! Piang!"

The great seal affixed to the document represented an empty throne, instead of the usual effigy of a king. The cardinal-legate issued a thundering manifesto at the same time sustaining Mayenne and virulently denouncing the Bearnese. The politicians' party now seized the opportunity to impress upon Henry that the decisive moment was come.

I leaned forward on his neck to bring him down, but he reared higher and higher, till he stood bolt upright, and it was time to slip off, lest he should fall upon me. I did so; but my foot alighted upon no support. He had backed to the edge of the shelving ground, and I fell, and went to the bottom. The last thing I was aware of, was the thundering fall of my horse beside me.

When the noise had moderated a little, the chair proposed that "our illustrious guests be at once elected, by complimentary acclamation, to membership in our ever-glorious organization, the paradise of the free and the perdition of the slave." This eloquent discharge opened the floodgates of enthusiasm again, and the election was carried with thundering unanimity.

George for England!" sweeping them back by showers of arrows and musquet balls, thrusting them down with pikes, hurling grenades and stink-pots from the tops; while the swivels on both sides poured their grape, and bar, and chain, and the great main-deck guns, thundering muzzle to muzzle, made both ships quiver and recoil, as they smashed the round shot through and through each other.

An occasional wild scream a momentary distant crash as of a door breaking down and thundering upon the marble pavement; and then again, the long, strange cries, mingled with a dull, low sound as of a great moaning all came up together, and seemed to meet Nehushta as she lifted the curtains and went out.

Dark night came on. Every height stood for a ruin in our eyes, every dip an abyss. It grew bewilderingly dark, but the path did not forsake us, and we expected, at half-hour intervals, to perceive the lights of Sarkeld, soon to be thundering at one of the inns for admission and supper.

If only his suspense might force refreshing tears as Sonny cried away his infant agonies! Numerous people asleep in that long Pullman train, and the special thundering down! Sally and Sonny a half mile away in the lonely house! And that drink-inspired creature on the floor what was he capable of in relation to those unknown, helpless travelers?