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And he was a little nervous himself now about that burglar. What if he should meet him when he went out again? He tried to forget about that by thinking of what he would put in the note for the Phoenix. He had got as far as "Dear Phoenix:" and was wondering how you spelled "Phoenix," when there came a swish and a thump at his window, followed by a cautious whisper: "Pssssst!"

He rose and walked clumsily up to her and timidly touching her hair "Why, Mother! What's the matter? What 'v' I done now? I was calc'latln' to sell them pigs anyway. Hatfield jest advanced the money on' em." She hopped up and dashed into the bedroom,and in a few minutes returned with a yarn mitten, tied around the wrist, which she laid on the table with a thump, saying: "I don't want yer money.

Rosalie herself rose, leaned over to meet him, and whispered four words in his ear. "See!" she added aloud. "See!" Blake fell back into his chair with a thump. "I, a doctor and a man of science and I never thought once of that! What a damned fool I was!" "We was," amended Rosalie Le Grange.

Here we are in the old library and breakfast over. There seemed an awful blank in the world as I sat down just now, and I said to Dad "Its Dick he must come THIS morning." You don't know how my heart used to give a thump when you and Bob came in that old door. It has been such a good month everybody was so friendly and Dad was so well and happy but your visits were the core of it all.

Miss Ruey's mode of getting off poetry, in a sort of high-pitched canter, with a strong thump on every accented syllable, might have provoked a smile in more sophisticated society, but Zephaniah listened to her with deep gravity, and answered, "I'm 'fraid there's truth in what you say, Aunt Ruey.

Tom opened the valve again and felt the tug of the jets braking his acceleration. He drifted slower and slower, and realizing that he was close to the hull of the ship, he stretched his legs, striving to make contact. Seconds later he felt a heavy thump at the soles of his feet, and within the ship there was the muffled clank of metal boot weights hitting the metal skin of the hull.

Towards the morning we pulled into a little sandy bay, where we landed, and threw ourselves down wrapped in our cloaks, to obtain some rest. Scarcely was I asleep when I felt something pitch down upon my nose. I looked up, but no one was near me. I went to sleep again, when my head got a disagreeable thump, and so it went on.

"But why," Jerry wanted to know, "didn't you come back home right away if you weren't hurt?" "Oh, but I was. You try going over that dam once and see if your insides-out don't get pretty well mixed up. I got a terrific thump on the back of the head when the boat turned turtle, and if I hadn't had a leg under the seat, I'd be in Davy Jones' locker right now.

And then she came into the room, and said quite quietly, as if she knew he was there, though she never looked under the bed: 'Oh, Scamp! how could you? And his broad tail went thump, thump against the floor. So he was dragged out and whipped, and he felt very much ashamed of himself. Oh dear! if he could only get back to them all he would never do such naughty things again!

Trix sat straight up in the stern of the boat, as if she had been galvanized. Her heart gave one great ecstatic thump. "Oh," thought Miss Stuart, "he's going to pop!" I grieve to relate it, but that was the identical way the young lady thought it. "He's going to pop, as sure as I live!" There was a pause unspeakably painful to Miss Stuart.