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They all shouted at that, their hilarity exciting the antelope kid into a rear charge upon Red, who used the incident to cover his retreat. He turned at the door to impart some good news. "We've got the whole bunch corralled. Reckon thu shootin' an' yellin' you done, Ken, scared 'em in. I got thu bars up befoh I missed thu blue; fact is I didn't see him break, thu dust were so thick."

Love, is it time, after the services I have perform'd, to have some salary? Noe labourer works without his hier; I would Be satisfied when you determine we Shall end our hopes in marriage. Cla. I have lookt for this month in my Calender And find that marriage is prohibited. Thu.

Well, Companion, at my friends Intreatie I am content to be reconsyld; but have a care, goe to, ha, oh ho, youle ... more; why, goe to then ... pledge the companion ... heeres to thee: what, what! Thu. Heres one perchance will satisfie me. Sir, your habit speaks yer understanding: Please you resolve me one thing which disturbes The quiet of my conscience. Lov.

"Mars' Cary! Mars' Cary! Dey's comin' dis time sho' 'nuff!" "How many?" Cary cried, springing for the roadway and his horse. "Dey's comin' thu' de woods an' Lawd Gawd, de yearth is fyar blue wid' 'em." "Billy!" commanded Cary. "Take Lightfoot as fast as you can down to the edge of the woods. Don't worry, Hallie, they'll never catch me once I'm in the saddle."

"Jest look at thet, now!" said Abbie delightedly. "Thu leetle cuss wants ter be petted an' coddled. Well, he's like all other he-critters, got ter be humored an' made much of, whether they desarve it or not. An' I guess," with shrewd philosophy and a certain deliberate emphasis, "thet's what we poor she-males was mos'ly created for. Take Hank, now.

For a moment the gambler glared fiendishly at the imperturbable man facing him; his body was quivering all over with illy suppressed hate and fury. He crouched like a wild beast preparing to spring, his hands opening and closing nervously. Then out of the silence came the nasal humming of Red: "Yeah's to thu gyurl thet is faih an' kind, An' yeah's to thu man who is game!"

It were one man thet done it his hoss shod all around 'ceptin' left hind foot. 'Twere too dark to track after I lost him in thu timber, but the whole cavvy is scattered to hell an' gone. Say, Ken, I'm goin' to rue back on that promise; an' I don't see as it's eggsactly fair on the other boys, either.

Hank got the buck's name outen a book where it said in slick soundin' poetry as how Belshazzar was king an' Belshazzar waz lord. Thet buck were sure the mos' uppity critter! Nuthin' waz good enuf fer him to sociate with and he herded by hisself mos'ly. He waz allus on thu prod, stompin' aroun' darin' thu other critters to fite.

Yuh kin allus cook betteh, too, on thu steady heat of thu coals afteh the flame O' fierce fiah has buhned itself out, an' thu brand that holds a man bites deepeh if it's heated In the glowin' heart of Love afteh thu flame an' smoke of passion has drifted away. "Theah's things In a man's natuh that's gotta be buhned out; yuh cain't prune 'em away.

Tis confest; but we Are like thinne christall glasses that will crack By touching one another: I coniure thee By all our past love, from this parting minute Nere to behold me more. I dare not venter My frailty with thee. Thu. What immodesty Has my demeaner uttred you should doubt Ravishing from me? Cla.