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"Why sure enough," replied Phelim, without a moment's hesitation; "your Reverence has found us out." "Found you out! Why, is that the tone you speak in?" "Faith, sir, thruth's best. I wanted her to tell it to you long ago, but she wouldn't. Howsomever, it's still time enough. Hem! The thruth, sir, is, that Mrs.

Och, may God pity thim that's to come acrass it, I espishily if they dare to do it in a lie!" "They needn't, I can tell yez both," observed a third person, "be a hair afeard of it, for the best rason livin', that there's no thruth at all in the report, nor the Cassidys never thought of sindin' for anything o' the kind: I have it from Larry Cassidy's own lips, an' he ought to know best."

That's the thruth, your honor, an' it's no use to keep it back from you, sir." "I perfectly agree with you," said the landlord.

"The thruth is," he exclaimed, strutting with fortitude about the house, "the thruth is, that I've done the whole of yez I'm as blue-mowlded as ever for want of a batin'." "Don't go," said the wife. "I will go," said Neal, with vehemence; "I'll go if the whole parish was to go to prevint me." In about another half-hour Neal sat down quietly to his business, instead of going to the fair!

To tell the blessed thruth, Dinis, if you had settled the business widout that, I'd be betther plased."

"It's a lie, I say," thundered out the gigantic young fellow, once more seizing the unfortunate meal-monger by the throat, when out again went his tongue, like a piece of machinery touched by a spring, and again were the red eyes now almost starting out of his head, turned round, whilst he himself was in a state of suffocation, that rendered his appearance ludicrous beyond description "it's a lie, I say, for you have neither thruth nor heart that's what we all know."

"'Lave off your humbuggin', says he, 'I bid you, and tell me what it is you mane at all at all. "'Parly voo frongsay? says I. "'Oh, your humble sarvant, says he; 'why, by gor, you're a scholar, Paddy. "'Thruth, you may say that, says I. "'Why, you're a clever fellow, Paddy, says the captain, jeerin' like. "'You're not the first that said that, says I, 'whether you joke or no.

'No, there's no occasion for putting out eyes at all, but could not you lay me, just as I am, to-night, in that place, and let me try my own fortune, if it be a thing you tell thruth; and what else could put the eyes in your head, after I burning them out with the irons?

"'Thrue for you, Captain darlint, says I I called him darlint, and made free with him, you see, bekase disthress makes us all equal, 'thrue for you, Captain jewel, God betune uz and harm, I owe no man any spite, and throth that was only thruth.

Bad cess to me, if you can spake a word o' thruth afther that, you common desaver! Worn't you an' Paddy Moran pullin' a coard?" "No, in throth; it was given out on us, but we never wor, Phelim. Nothin' ever passed betune us but common civility.