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Throth, if you don't say aither ay or no, I'll give myself no more bother about it, There we are now wid some guineas together, an' Faix, Pettier, you're vexin' me!" "Do you want an answer?" "Why, if it's plasin' to your honor, I'd have no objection." "Well, will you have my new big coat made agin Shraft?"

"Hycy's no favorite wid you, Nanny." "Why you know he's not, an' indeed I don't know why he's one wid you." "Throth an' he is, many a shillin' an' sixpence he throws me, always does indeed wherever he meets me." "No matter, maybe the day will soon come when you'll change your opinion of him, that's all I say, except to keep your eye on him; and I'll tell you why I bid you, some day soon."

"When did you hear from Mark Ratigan, or see him?" "Mark Ratigan is snug and comfortable as a laborin' boy wid Magistrate Driscol that's in hem but listen to me, now if you should meet Mark anywhere down the country, you're neither to call him Mark nor Ratigan, otherwise you may be the manes of hangin' the poor boy." "Throth, an' by all accounts, he'll come to the gallows yet."

"Well, then, if you like to slip over for an hour or so now, you may, an' I'll take care of Sarah till you come back; only don't be longer." "Long life to you, Donnel; throth an' I want to go, if it was only to set the little matthers right for them poor orphans, my grandchildre." "Well, then, go," he replied; "but don't be more than an hour away, mind.

"Throth he will, and a sarious loss for among ourselves, there was none o' them like him." "'Gives a glance of its blue "I think I ought to go to the wake to-night. I know it's a bit of a descent on my part, but still it is scarcely more than is due to a decent neighbor. Yes, I shall go; it is determined on."

"He disgraced me, Rody," observed Frank "I can't rise my head; and you know I was thought, by all the parish, as good a man as him. No, I wouldn't, this blessed Christmas Eve above us, for all that ever my name was worth, be disgraced by him as I am. But hould, man have patience!" "Throth and, Frank, that's what you never had," said Eody; "and as to bein' disgraced, you disgraced yourself.

She had no sooner gone, than the peddler, with a shrug of satisfaction, exclaimed, in a subdued but triumphant voice: "Oh! by the hokey I've done her, and for that you must suffer, Lilly darlin'. Come now, you jumpin' jewel you, that was born wid a honey-comb somewhere between, that purty chin and beautiful nose of yours throth it must have a taste, for who the dickens could, refuse the Cannie Soogah, and before Lilly, who, by the way, was nothing, loath, could put herself in an attitude of defense, he had inflicted several smacks upon as pretty a pair of lips as ever were pressed.

"And that there's no other woman of high respectability in the parish capable of elevating her to the true principles of double and simple proportion?" "No, in throth, sir, I don't think there is." "Nor that can teach her the newest theories in dogmatic theology and metaphysics, together with the whole system of Algebraic Equations if the girl should require them?"

Well, for four days he was goin' evermore, until at last the waiver seen a crowd o' people runnin' as if owld Nick was at their heels, and they shoutin' a thousand murdhers and cryin', 'The dhraggin, the dhraggin! and he couldn't stop the horse nor make him turn back, but away he pelted right forninst the terrible baste that was comin' up to him, and there was the most nefaarious smell o' sulphur, savin' your presence, enough to knock you down; and, faith the waiver seen he had no time to lose, and so he threw himself off the horse and made to a three that was growin' nigh hand, and away he clambered up into it as nimble as a cat; and not a minit had he to spare, for the dhraggin kem up in a powerful rage, and he devoured the horse body and bones, in less than no time; and then he began to sniffle and scent about for the waiver, and at last he clapt his eye an him, where he was, up in the three, and says he, 'In throth, you might as well come down out o' that, says he; 'for I'll have you as sure as eggs is mate.

Well, throth, it's no wonder that Ireland's full of people; for I believe they do nothing but coort from the time they're the hoith of my leg. I dunno is it true, as I hear Captain Sloethern's steward say, that the Englishwomen are so fond of Irishmen?" "To be sure it is," said Shane Fadh; "don't I remimber myself, when Mr.