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It is perfectly possible that there are instances of thought-transference in cases of somnambulism, epilepsy, trance. I do not positively deny it, though I am very doubtful. Mediums and clairvoyants are a sickly lot, as a rule. But I bet you anything, a healthy man in perfectly normal conditions is not to be influenced by the tricks of mesmerists.

"Can't you guess?" and the young man smiled mysteriously. "Try." "Give it up," and Hendricks shook his head. "I think it's more wonderful to get thought-transference by wiggling your forehead than any other way I ever heard of, but I can't guess how it helps." "Can't any of you?" and Hanlon looked around the circle. "Wait a minute," said Aunt Abby, who was thinking hard. "Let me try.

But even if this be not granted, I can quite see how a certain rapport between the sitter and the hand or the intelligence behind the hand might easily enable one sitter to perceive it, and not another. Analogies from trance phenomena and even from experimental thought-transference might be drawn here, in favour of such a theory.

At all events, science has seen something very remotely analogous to thought-transference and every whit as unintelligible and antecedently incredible till observed; and therefore it is permissible to listen to the evidence for it, and forced thereto, to accept the fact.

Moreover, the person who acquaints himself with the law of mental vibrations and thought-transference acquires a practical knowledge which enables him to render himself immune to objectionable and undesirable mental currents or thought-waves. We are not necessarily open to the influence of every stray current of thought or feeling that happens to be in our immediate vicinity.

Hallucinations, solitary and collective, and other perplexing instances are tortured into cases of thought-transfer with an ingenuity which we should smile at in a mediaeval scholastic explaining the universe by the four elements and the four temperaments. But is not thought-transference itself lamentably unscientific?

On the whole Kant is interested, but despairing. He wants facts, and no facts are given to him but the book of the Prophet Emanuel. But, as it happened, a new, or a revived, order of facts was just about to solicit scientific attention. Kant had heard rumours of healing by magnetism, and of the alleged effect of the magnet on the human frame. The subject was in the air, and had already won the attention of Mesmer, about whom Kant had information. It were superfluous to tell again the familiar story of Mesmer's performances at Paris. While Mesmer's theory of 'magnetism' was denounced by contemporary science, the discovery of the hypnotic sleep was made by his pupil, Puységur. This gentleman was persuaded that instances of 'thought-transference' (not through known channels of sense) occurred between the patient and the magnetiser, and he also believed that he had witnessed cases of 'clairvoyance, 'lucidity, vue

One of the things which seem to greatly puzzle the average student of the subject of mental vibrations, and thought-transference, is that which may be called "thought waves." The student is unable to conceive of a wave of "thought" being projected into the air, and then traveling along until it reaches the mind of other persons.

Now that we can whisper round the globe as we whisper round the dome of St. Paul's, we cannot get much further on that line of advance, until immaterial thought-transference shall enable us "to flash through one another in a moment as we will."

Talk about thought-transference it doesn't take much of that commodity to read that you two were interrupted by my entrance in the middle of a real, honest-to-goodness, cats'-and-dogs' quarrel." "All right, have it your own way," and Embury laughed shortly; "but it wasn't the middle of it, it was about over." "All but the making up! Shall I fade away for fifteen minutes?" "No," protested Eunice.