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"Forty," said he, in a most appealing tone, "ken you see what 'twas about? She kep' a-lookin' at my left han' all the time, ez ef she thort there wuz somethin' the matter with it. Mebbe she thort I was tuckin' biscuits up my sleeves, like keerds in a live game. Ken you see any thin' the matter with that paw?"

An naow! Wal thay ain't no use o' tellin ye what ye know. I seen Gleason on the street yisday, an he looked like a whipped cur. He hed his tail atween his legs, I tell yew. I reckon he thort I wuz gonter lick him.

"Bless 'is old 'art!" she sobbed "He thort of everybody, 'e did! An' what shall I ever want o' Rose Cottage, as is the sweetest o' little places, when I've got the kitchen o' Briar Farm! an' there I'll 'ope to do my work plain an' true till I drops! so there! an' I'm much obliged to ye, Mr.

The hunter on the plain knows the value of that, an' that he can freeze an' make a deer walk right up to him, to find out what he is. Why, a rabbit will do it, if you jump him quick, an' he gets confused an' don't know jes' what's up; an' so Jud come as I thort he'd do. He couldn't stan' it no longer, an' he wanted to rub it in. He brought his crowd to enjoy the fun. "'Oh, Mr.

I hed been a-dreamin', an' thort it wur rainin', an' then agin I thort that I wur bein' drownded in the Massissippi; but I wan't many seconds awake, till I guessed what it wur in raality; so I jumped to my feet like a started buck, an' groped my way to the door. "A sight that wur when I got thur.

"I should like," he said, "I should like very much, to have some relic some memento of this particular brood at this particular day." "By-the-bye," he said, "you don't give those little chicks meat?" "Oh! no, Thir," said Skinner, "I can athure you, Thir, we know far too much about the management of fowlth of all dethcriptionth to do anything of that thort."

It wuz 'Good mornin, Peleg, ez sweet's sugar, an he didn't hev nothing tew say baout what I wuz a owin him, no; nor he didn't ass me nothin baout wy I hedn't been tew work fer him sence Tewsday." After the haw-haw over Peleg's description had subsided, he added, with a grin, "Klector Williams he hain't thort tew call baout them taxes, sence Tewsday, nuther. Hev any on ye seen nothin on him?"

"Big as a horse," said Mr. Bensington. "Pretty near," said Mr. Skinner. "Several people could dine off a wing!" said Mr. Bensington. "They'd cut up into joints like butcher's meat." "They won't go on growing at thith pathe though," said Mr. Skinner. "No?" said Mr. Bensington. "No," said Mr. Skinner. "I know thith thort. They begin rank, but they don't go on, bleth you! No." There was a pause.

Ruth, ye brotherr is more thort off in London than with them which hav ye rite to regard him bestt.

I'm tired, fearin'. I was born for hangin', they say," with a laugh. "But I'll see my girl. I've waited hyur, runnin' the resk, not darin' to see her, on 'count o' yoh. I thort I was safe on Christmas-day, but what's Christmas to yoh or me?" Holmes's quiet motion drove him up the steps before him.