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Secondly, with regard to teratology, it is notorious that similar abnormalities are often found to co-exist in both the pelvic and thoracic limbs. M. Isidore Geoffroy St. Hilaire remarks, "L'anomalie se répète d'un membre thoracique au membre abdominal du même côté."

When the pus forms in the axillary space, the treatment consists in making free incisions, which should be placed on the thoracic side of the axilla to avoid the axillary vessels and nerves. If the pus spreads on to the chest wall, the abscess should be opened below the clavicle by Hilton's method, and a counter opening may be made in the axilla.

It overcrowds the abdominal and thoracic cavities, thus making the breath short and the working of the heart more difficult, also producing a tendency to prolapsus of the various abdominal organs. People make the mistake of thinking that stoutness indicates health. It indicates disease. Going into weight is going into degeneration.

The thorax is never sufficiently compressed to drive out all the air. Air is always present in the lungs. This keeps them more or less distended and pressed against the thoracic walls. *How the Thoracic Space is Varied.*—One means of varying the size of the thoracic cavity is through the movements of the ribs and their resultant effect upon the walls of the thorax.

Subcutaneous rupture of the thoracic duct may result from a crush of the thorax. There are physical signs of fluid in one or other of these situations, but, as a rule, the nature of the lesion is only recognised when chyle is withdrawn by the exploring needle. #Lymphangitis.# Inflammation of peripheral lymph vessels usually results from some primary source of pyogenic infection in the skin.

In the abdominal form of respiration the movements of the walls of the chest are limited. This occurs in pleurisy. In the thoracic form of respiration the abdominal wall is held rigid and the movement of the chest walls make up for the deficiency. This latter condition occurs in peritonitis. A cough is caused by irritation of the membrane lining the air passages.

Ford examined weighed 170 1bs., without the thoracic, or pelvic, viscera, and measured four feet four inches round the chest.

There must therefore be an isolated ganglion in front and two ganglia, close to each other, about two-fifths of an inch back. Dissection confirms this forecast completely. It shows us three fairly bulky thoracic ganglia, arranged in the same manner as the legs. The first which actuates the fore-legs, is placed opposite their roots. It is the largest of the three.

For the stab in the thoracic ganglions, however efficacious, is often insufficient.

The five vertebræ below the thoracic are known as the lumbar vertebræ. These bones are large and strong and admit of considerable motion. Below the last lumbar vertebra is a wedge-shaped bone which has the appearance of five vertebræ fused together. This bone, known as the sacrum, connects with the large bones which form the pelvic girdle.