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According to the old notion, those who were not Odin's guests went either to Thor's house, who had all the thralls, or to Freyja, who even claimed a third part of the slain on every battle-field with Odin, or to Hel, the cold comfortless goddess already mentioned, who was still no tormentor, though she ruled over nine worlds, and though her walls were high, and her bolts and bars huge; traits which come out in 'the Master-Smith', No. xvi, when the Devil, who here assumes Hel's place, orders the watch to go back and lock up all the nine locks on the gates of Hell a lock for each of the goddesses nine worlds and to put a padlock on besides.

It was provoking, but the rival boat, besides being nearer at the start, had also started forward at greater speed. "This is the 'Thor's' trick," thought Lieutenant Danvers to himself. "Too bad, too. I'd like to have seen the boys take it." Jacob Farnum's private view, not expressed, agreed with the naval officer's. But Jack Benson?

"Now I would that you would turn good Dane and Thor's man, and bide here with us; and then maybe " But Osritha rose up quickly and said that she must begone, and so bade us goodnight and went her way into the upper story of that end of the great hall where her own place was.

For Thor in groping along had come to what he supposed to be a wall of solid masonry. "Where are you?" asked Loki, "for it is so dark that I cannot see you." "Here," answered Thor, stretching out his hand; "take hold and follow me." So Loki clutched Thor's arm, and Thialfe in turn seized the arm of Loki, whilst Raska clung to her brother and wished herself safe at home in her father's hut.

"Good-day, Loki," said Thrym, with the terrible voice of which he was so proud, for he fancied it was as loud as Thor's. "How fares it, feathered one, with your little brothers, the Æsir, in Asgard halls? And how dare you venture alone in this guise to Giant Land?"

But as Loki still looked, he became even more surprised, for the sport went on, and Baldur was not hurt. Arrows aimed at his very heart glanced back again untinged with blood. The stones fell down from his broad, bright brow, and left no bruises there. Swords clave, but did not wound him; Thor's hammer struck him, and he was not crushed. At this Loki grew perfectly furious with envy and hatred.

And taking his wife's hand in his, Thor went off to the Council House where the Gods and the Goddesses were. Sif covered her head with her veil, for she would not have the Gods and Goddesses look upon her shorn head. But from the anger in Thor's eyes all saw that the wrong done to Sif was great indeed. Then Thor told of the cutting of her beautiful hair. A whisper went round the Council House.

Loki drew near and whispered in Thor's ear. "Look, how the storms rage and the winds howl in the world below! Someone is wielding your thunder hammer all unskilfully. Can you not guess the thief?

Thor, who had lost the hammer that he had sworn never to let out of his sight, did not know what to do. But Loki thought it would be worth while to see if Thrym knew anything about it. He went first to Asgard. He hurried across the Rainbow Bridge and passed Heimdall without speaking to him. To none of the Dwellers in Asgard whom he met did he dare relate the tidings of Thor's loss.

I asked Gerda, under my breath and pointing. She laughed gently, and her hand tightened on my arm. "We were wont to call it Thor's hammer," she said. "We see it from time to time, and it brings luck. Now it greets me and you but it is not the old sign to me any longer." "It is strange," said Bertric. "Once you called on Asa Thor and here is that one to whom you called, and yonder "