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Thompson's men have give it up as a bad job and gone home." "Did they pass along the road?" exclaimed Rodney. "We never heard them." "I did, and seen 'em too. There was a right smart passel of 'em more'n enough to have made pris'ners of all the Union fellers in the swamp, if they hadn't been afraid to face the rifles that them same Union men know how to shoot with tol'able sure aim."

The bed stood between the window and the door. Six Austin found the door ajar, and the interior dark. To his surprise, the boy Thompson's couch, as revealed by the rays of his lamp, was likewise vacant. He was turning back when he fancied he heard the sibilation of a whispering in the room. Sir Austin cloaked the lamp and trod silently toward the window.

Clare spent some pleasant days here, his kind host pointing out to him various memorials connected with the great satirist and moralist the window through which Hogarth eloped with old Thornhill's only daughter; the place where he painted the 'Rake's Progress; and the spot in the garden where he buried his faithful dog, with the inscription, 'Life to the last enjoyed, here Pompey lies. There were agreeable excursions, too, from Chiswick to the neighbouring places, particularly to Richmond, where Clare visited Thompson's monument on the hill, as well as his tombstone in the old church, which, covered as it was with cobwebs, he thought much less beautiful than that of Hogarth's dog.

"Once upon a time Judge Carter was riding through a rural district in Virginia. He stopped at a negro's cabin to get his direction. "'Uncle, said he, 'can you direct me to Colonel Thompson's? "'Yes, sah, replied the negro; 'yo' goes down this yah road 'bout two mile till yo' comes to an ol' ailm tree, and then yo' tu'us sha'p to th' right down a lane fo' 'bout a qua'ter of a mile.

McClernand's advance met the enemy about five miles west of Port Gibson at Thompson's plantation. There was some firing during the night, but nothing rising to the dignity of a battle until daylight. The enemy had taken a strong natural position with most of the Grand Gulf garrison, numbering about seven or eight thousand men, under General Bowen.

Colonel Thompson's First Newspaper Venture. I remained at the home of Mr. Allen a few days, making frequent visits, you may be sure, to the camp of my friends. I then returned to our camp at the hot springs. My brother had become quite strong and my other brother then decided to return to the valley. Left alone, we indulged in long rambles in the mountains.

"Tending thrashing-machine and wimbling haybonds, and saying 'Hoosh! to the cocks and hens when they go upon your seeds, and planting Early Flourballs and Thompson's Wonderfuls with a dibble." "Yes I see. Are they satisfactory women?" she inquired softly of Henery Fray. "Oh mem don't ask me! Yielding women as scarlet a pair as ever was!" groaned Henery under his breath. "Sit down." "Who, mem?"

False witnesses must appear against Abolitionists before they can be condemned. I will now say a few words on George Thompson's mission to this country. This Philanthropist was accused of being a foreign emissary.

Thompson's generosity towards him in his distress, which wrought so much upon me also, that I sent him ten pistoles, in such a private manner that he could never know his benefactor.

Thompson's re-union, that Jones went off for an hour to pay the usual flirting attention to the wives of half a dozen of his acquaintances; while Jones colored to the eyes and could scarcely be restrained from making a fool of himself, because Robinson sat down in the vacant chair beside his wife, and tried to be agreeable.