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"You've been richt good to me, but I canna thole the thocht o' that place. And, oh, doctor, you winna tell naebody that I was so near taen to it?" In the garden McQueen said to Gavin: "You may be right, Mr. Dishart, in this matter, for there is this in our favour, that the woman can gain nothing by tricking us. She did seem to feel for Nanny. But who can she be?

"There has been no rain here," I stammered, incredulously. "It's coming now." he replied. "And listen: the story's out that the Backbone has fallen into the loch. You had better cross, dominie, and thole out the nicht wi' us." The Backbone was a piece of mountain-side overhanging a loch among the hills, and legend said that it would one day fall forward and squirt all the water into the glen.

'His passage-money will make me break my last big note, I heard him say to her. 'Trust in the Lord, she answered, 'I canna thole the thought of leaving the mitherless bairn to that hard man, John Stoddart; he'll work the poor weak fellow to death. Without another word, the master hoisted me on top of the baggage, the carts moved on, and Robbie looked up into my face with a smile.

"Weel now, I'd no say that; he was far from that to be right fair to them both for ye see ye'r mither would never have loved him if he'd been that but he he was an Irishman, and ye'r Uncle Peter could never thole an Irishman, and he he fair stole ye'r mither from us a' an " she hesitated to continue, then blurted out the real horror.

But a braw lass she " "It's you maun speak to Gourlay, Deacon," said the Provost, brushing aside the reminiscent Coe. "How can it be that, Provost? It'th your place, surely. You're the head of the town!" When Gourlay was to be approached there was always a competition for who should be hindmost. "Yass, but you know perfectly well, Deacon, that I cannot thole the look of him.

Meanwhile Ring had returned from roving; and when Omund heard he was back, he set to and built a vast ship, whence, as from a fortress, he could rain his missiles on the enemy. To manage this ship he enlisted Homod and Thole the rowers, the soils of Atyl the Skanian, one of whom was instructed to act as steersman, while the other was to command at the prow.

The marquis uttered a frightful imprecation, left the door, and, sitting down, hid his face in his hands. Miss Horn rose, but instead of securing her retreat, approached him gently and stood by his side. "My lord," she said, "I canna thole to see a man in tribble.

Round the pupils of her black eyes a little ring began to glow, as though a light came from a great distance through darkness, her white teeth bit on her under lip, and she stepped closer to Dan's horse. "Haud away, woman, haud away, for the love o' your Maker; the stallion canna thole weemen about him."

Others are old words like thole and nesh and lew and mense and foison and fash and douce, which have never been accepted into the standard English, or have long since vanished from it, in spite of their excellence and ancient history, and in spite of the fact that they have long been in current use in various districts.

She's had much to thole, and it's made her bitter in her mind, and many's a time I think she's demented about the pride of the MacDermotts. I'm proud of my name, too, and proud of the respect we've earned for ourselves, but I'm old and tired, John, and I've nothing to comfort me, and the pride of the MacDermotts gives me little consolation for the things I've missed.