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"All taverns are alike to thirsty men," answered Rob. "Lead us where thou wilt; we'll speak our thanks under one signboard as well as another." "What say you then to the 'Silver Lion' in Dowgate?" "'Tis a good house." The party left the cathedral by the western door, went south through the churchyard, and out at the gate that led riverwards.

After passing Larissa and arriving at Tempe, being thirsty he threw himself down on his face and drank of the river, and then rising up he proceeded through Tempe till he reached the sea.

"We learned how in school the other day." With some of the waxed paper which was in the lunch box Bert made a pretty good cup. Then when the thin skim of ice on top of the spring was broken, water could be dipped up, and every one had a nice drink. Flossie had two cupfuls, she was so thirsty.

We had a good bath, and, of course, the inevitable kuku, and then skirted the side of the ridge, passing close by and under great rocks and overhanging cliffs, and up a most extraordinary steep path into splendid sugar-cane and taro plantations. Weary, we sat down and ate sugar-cane under the shade of a great rock. This West Indian "long breakfast" goes well when thirsty and hungry.

They make all the dust, I do believe. My throat is full of it, and it lies heavy on my chest. Oh no! I humbly thank your honour! Don't put yourself about! I'll not have a drink. Yes, I really mean it. I didn't say I was thirsty on that account. Wine does not suit my constitution at this time of day. Besides, to tell you the truth, I have had some already.

"But, I say, I'm desperately hungry, as I've only had some lumps of musty flour to eat for several hours, and thirsty too. I shall faint if I don't have some food." "We'll get you that, youngster; and then you must try and show us the way into the vault," said the speaker. "We may get a better haul than we've had for many a day if it should prove one of the smugglers' hiding-places."

O child, these thy brothers are all fatigued and thirsty. Thereupon saying, 'So be it, Nakula speedily climbed up a tree, and having looked around, said unto his eldest brother, 'O king, I see many a tree that groweth by the water-side, and I hear also the cries of cranes.

Place this same man alone, tired out, hungry, thirsty, and cold, with every muscle of his body crying its protest of aches against the overstrain of a long day's work; surround him with every attribute of physical discomfort; with the future stretching away in a dull gray vista of uncertainty, and the memory strong upon him that the girl the one girl in all the world has ceased to believe in him has ceased to care; add to this the recollection of good times gone times when good liquor flowed freely among good fellows, and at this particular psychological moment let him come suddenly and unexpectedly upon a bottle of whisky good whisky, of a brand of which he has always approved that is the acid test and in writing this I know whereof I write.

And, to be serious, if to go thirsty would unhang him, I would drink a second bottle of wine to make certain. If he had lived to fight for his life like a mad dog, as he would have done, Heaven knows how many he would have bitten. As it is, peace to him, and God be thanked there is no infection in a ten-foot rope. And yet I don't know!

He crawled quickly back, so far back that the man could not catch him. The monkey waited and waited for the man to go away, but the man did not go away. After a while the man became thirsty and went to get a drink. He left his little boy in his place to watch for the monkey.