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I had occasion to address him once or twice. He answered me in his pleasant, quiet voice and with a faint, slightly wistful smile. Mr. Burns appeared to be resting. He seemed fairly comfortable. After sunset I came out on deck again to meet only a still void. The thin, featureless crust of the coast could not be distinguished.

She saw a thin, dark woman with charming irregular features and a figure which looked as if it had been put into her black velvet dress with a shoehorn, and she heard her say in a low voice which somehow seemed to creep inside shut parts of you, "Tony and I are very old friends." They were coming straight to her and then, next thing she knew was that voice again, saying, "Mrs.

Taylor, who praised every thing of his own to excess; in short, 'whose geese were all swans, as the proverb says, expatiated on the excellence of his bull-dog, which, he told us, was 'perfectly well shaped. Johnson, after examining the animal attentively, thus repressed the vain-glory of our host: 'No, Sir, he is NOT well shaped; for there is not the quick transition from the thickness of the fore-part, to the TENUITY the thin part behind, which a bull-dog ought to have. This TENUITY was the only HARD WORD that I heard him use during this interview, and it will be observed, he instantly put another expression in its place.

"Noble Woman," said the Leprecaun, "you can go down yourself into our little house and look. I can't say fairer than that." "I wouldn't fit down there," said she. "I'm too big." "You know the way for making yourself little," replied the Leprecaun. "But I mightn't be able to make myself big again," said the Thin Woman, "and then you and your dirty brothers would have it all your own way.

Sixty, eighty years ago, England was a country like every other, with small towns, few and simple industries, and a thin but proportionally large agricultural population.

They are produced at the extremity of the new branches, in clusters of fifteen to twenty and thirty. So many are there to each branch that you will find it advisable to thin out half of them if you want perfect flowers. In color it is a delicate pink on first opening, fading to almost white. At the centre of the flower it is a bright carmine.

His face had grown long and thin, his eyes were sunken far back in his head, and his hair, that had been scarcely touched with the frosts of age when we left New York, was white! He did not know me, although he looked me feebly in the face. The sound of my voice seemed to rouse him a little, but he only looked at me with a more earnest gaze, and then closed his eyes.

Consequently a low-priced table or a cheap sofa was a consolation, if not a source of rejoicing, and their happiest hours were spent in counting the cost of parlor carpets never to be purchased, and window curtains of thin air.

And there was that little Fyne pounding along the road in a most offensive manner; a man wedded to thick-soled, laced boots; whereas my temperament demands thin shoes of the lightest kind. Of course there could never have been question of friendship between us; but under the provocation of having to keep up with his pace I began to dislike him actively.

Henry closed the door once more, with himself on the outside. Then he walked to the edge of the clearing, and looked back at the cabin. He had been careful to choose the kind of wood that would give out the least smoke, and only a thin column rose from the chimney. The wind caught it before it rose far, and it was lost among the great trees of the wilderness.