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"We expect our young ladies' mothers to teach them all that," she said, stiffly. "And they don't. In nine cases out of ten they don't. They've too much to do otherwise. Whether it is philanthropy or politics, or just amusing themselves, they've all got too much to do," Sir Denis said, with a simple air that made it doubtful if this criticism of Society's ways was adverse or not.

They've cleared the hospitals at Alexandria and Malta, and ordered every hospital ship in the world to lie off the Peninsula empty. They are prepared for twenty thousand casualties." "Yes," agreed I, "and, as there are no reinforcements, it can't mean a big advance, so it must mean a big retreat. There's nothing to bellyache about. We're going to evacuate, praise be to Allah!"

It was an invention worthy of a poet, which I am." "Que les poètes thoient pendus," said Augustus John, with vigour and sincerity. "Ekthepting Homer and Tennython," he added, as if willing to be just to all men. "What for? they've done nothing to you." "Haven't they! But for them I need not watht my life in making Latin vertheth. The fighting, though, in Homer and Tennython I like."

"Oh, these girls of yours!" cried Mrs. Pratt. "You've no idea of how much they've done or how much they've heartened us all up, Miss Mercer! I don't believe there were ever so many kind, nice people brought together before!" Eleanor laughed, as if she were keeping a secret to herself. And her words, when she spoke, proved that that was indeed the case.

'They never get licked and they've always got money, at least I know they always get mine, said he; 'but you and I and Heriot despise them. Our position toward them was that of an encumbered aristocracy, and really they paid us great respect.

"They've got one at the Zoological Gardens. He's an ugly customer. The keeper said he was a limb, if ever there was one. The old lady evidently thought her idea that the doctor's devil was this little beggar's soul, eaten up with his flesh, was indisputable. I told her I thought it had every intrinsic possibility, and I'm sure she was pleased.

I don't mind saying that he spoke of you to me in a tone I never heard Lew use before." "He did?" questioned Joe, eagerly, flushing with pleasure. "Do you think he'd take me out? Dare I ask him?" "Don't be impatient. Perhaps I can arrange it. Come over here now to Metzar's place. I want to make you acquainted with him. These boys have all been cutting timber; they've just come in for dinner.

"Not quite in the old way. But," and with the words a purpose formed itself in Maxwell's mind, "they've asked me to write their New York letter." "Well, drop in now and then. I may have something for you." The manager shook hands with him cordially, and Maxwell opened the door and found himself in the street.

He puts his arm around my neck, and whispers in my ear, "I'm a-moving off!" "Moving off?" "Hush! Don't speak so loud. Moving off! Ah! wot's that? Don't you hear? there! listen!" We listen, and hear the water gurgle and click beneath the floor. "It's them wot he sent I old Altascar sent. They've been here all night.

"Speak more carefully of the highest authorities of this city," Andrea said quietly. "They've been appointed by the wisdom of the forefathers, and the foolishness of the grand-children shall not touch them." The girl looked at him to find out whether he had spoken in earnest; it was not easy to solve the enigma of his features. "Stop it," she said, "you're getting serious, and I won't have it.