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"Hain't ye nuver heered tell of ther Harper-Doane war?" he demanded and Maggard shook an unabashed head. "I hain't nuver heered no jedgmatic details," he amended, "I knowed thar was sich-like warfare goin' on here one time. My folks used ter dwell in Kaintuck onc't but hit war afore my own day."

"I'm out in my guess if we've got much time to lose." Rapidly the car was turned, and was soon speeding in the direction they wished to go. The stolen insurrecto horses galloped off into the hills, snorting with terror, as the car began to move. "Say, Pete, what-cher bin doin'?" began Buck, as the vehicle gathered way, "shootin' up ther town?" "No, siree!

"I'm a-goin' tu put a question tu yeh, an' 'member now. . . . I want yeh tu think harrd! . . . Now whin Larry Blake came in tu saddle-up an' pull out last night was that ther sorrel o' Windy's still in th' stable or not?" "Eh?" gasped Lee at last, "I dunno! Me nor Lanky wasn't around when Larry pulled out. We was over t' th' hotel, Sarjint."

I knowed whar all our men war; how your army war 'ranged, and when we went in shoutin', and all your right and left melted away like a fog as comes up from the gulf melts when the sun comes up in ther mornin', I sed to Ned Sykes, who wur next me in ther ranks, 'Ned, we's got 'em, and Ned answered back, 'we's got 'em, sho'.

"Do you know how much?" "Ther agent at W told me he thought about forty thousand, and so I made a rush, ter git through." "And did it grandly." "That's what I'm paid fer." "I have heard the story of your running the gantlet and surprising the road-agents." Old Huck laughed and replied: "Waal, I calkilate as how they was astonished.

"I go where I please, an' do what I please, an' ask ther right o' no man," retorted Shan Rhue truculently. "All right, go where you please, but don't run afoul of me," said Ted sharply. "I don't want to have anything to do with such cattle as you, and I don't propose to. Keep off my trail if you know when you're well off. This is a friendly tip take it or leave it."

Ain't one o' ther signs o' the zodiac up in ther heavens named after ther goat Capricornus is ther feller ter what I refer an' them heathen chaps what wuz half man an' half goat? Didn't they come pretty near bein' ther whole thing?" "But about the Pecos?" inquired Dick, who was not partial to preaching, but wanted to get at the heart of the story. "Oh. yes.

"Not more than fifteen miles if it is that, 'cording ter my calcerlations," decided Pete. "Then we should arrive there by ten o'clock to-night." "About that time yep. That is, if none of ther stock give out beforehand." "Why do they call it the Haunted Mesa?" inquired Jack. "Some fool old Injun notion 'bout ghosts er spirits hauntin' it," rejoined Pete.

Thar 's three more o' ther same kind a'squattin' in the bushes whar the path branches toward ther 'Independence, an' another bunch lower down 'side ther crick. It's easy 'nough ter talk about law, an' ther sendin' o' a messenger down ter San Juan after the sheriff, but I 'd hate some ter be that messenger. He 'd have some considerable excitement afore he got thar.

If either one of ye's in sight at ther end of thet time, I'm ergoin' ter begin shootin'. Ef I sees ye ergin naggin' round me from now on, I'm goin' ter begin shootin' too, an' shoot ter kill." She meant it, and after a questioning glance they knew that she meant it. With some grumbled incoherence, they went on. They even went at a gallop, and Alexander saw them no more.