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Unlike other sects, the Theosophists do not seem anxious to publish their numbers abroad whether because they make too many converts, or too few, it is impossible to say! but there must certainly be hundreds of thousands scattered throughout the United States, India, and the Anglo-Saxon countries.

Just as the Jews of the Dispersion spoke of Wisdom as the first-born creature of God and gave this abstraction an objective existence, so the Hindoo poets and theosophists explained the world in terms which seem to the scientifically trained mind subjective and irrelevant. For all its apparent profundity, such an outlook represents a lower stage than that which science has reached.

What you and I suffer from are defects implanted by idle nursemaids and doting mothers. Let us, for the moment, adopt the policy of the theosophists and sit in consultation apart from our astral bodies. Who killed Sir Alan Hume-Frazer? I answer, a relative. What relative? Someone we do not know, whom he did not know, or who committed murder because he was known.

Y . We Theosophists did not believe in the playfulness of departed souls, though we admitted the possibility of some mediumistic phenomena, while totally disagreeing with the spiritualists as to the cause and point of view.

At the most despite what theosophists and occultists may declare to the contrary one can only theorize and the speculations of one person, be he who he may, seem to me to be of no more consequence than those of another.

"I am very much afraid," said Des Hermies, "that not only these so-called astrologers, but also all the mages, theosophists, occultists, and cabalists of the present day, know absolutely nothing those with whom I am acquainted are indubitably, incontestably, ignorant imbeciles. And that is the pure truth, messieurs.

Hauksbee, a gleam of fun on her face. 'In '84, wasn't it? You went out a great deal less next season. Mrs. Mallowe smiled in a superior and Sphinx-like fashion. 'I became an Influence, said she. 'Good gracious, child, you didn't join the Theosophists and kiss Buddha's big toe, did you?

It is very often looked upon as the expression of some new religion, as though people in becoming Theosophists must leave the religious community to which he or she may happen to belong. And so a profound misconception arises, and many people imagine that in some way or other it is hostile to the religion which they profess.

It was perhaps only his sound intellectual training, combined with the English attribute of solid practical sense, that had saved him from running utterly wild in fanciful and visionary speculations. As it is, he has been occasionally classed among the so-called Theosophists, such as Paracelsus and Jacob Behmen.

The extreme likeness which exists between the different religions of the world is everywhere apparent, and the devachan of the Theosophists corresponds to the expected rest in the tomb, until Gabriel sounds his horn on resurrection day of the orthodox Christian.