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I don't even know where he and his yacht are; but I'll be bound they're somewhere in those same waters, and probably back at Norderney. 'It's a delicate matter, I mused, dubiously, 'if your theory's correct. Spying on a spy 'It's not like that, said Davies, indignantly. 'Anyone who likes can sail about there and explore those waters. I say, you don't really think it's like that, do you?

It is perhaps possible that not finding the photograph he fell into a blind rage and satisfied it by violence towards the dead man." "Dead or dying," Mr. Pettifer corrected. "There seems to have been some little doubt upon that point. But your theory's a little weak, isn't it? To get away unseen would be that thief's first preoccupation, surely?"

"That's it, sir who's the man?" agreed the detective. "One thing's quite certain if my theory's correct. He's a clever man and an expert in the use of poisons." Purdie walked on a minute or two in silence, thinking. "It's no use beating about the bush," he said at last. "Do you suspect Mr.

"If only your theory's right, then, if he hasn't dared yet to throw suspicion on du Laurier, and if the loss of that letter-case with its contents is as much of a mystery to him as it is to us, we have a little time before us still: we're comparatively safe for a few hours."

This makes "my theory" to be "the theory that complex organs have arisen by numerous, successive, slight modifications;" that is to say, to be the theory of descent with modification. The first of the two "my theory's" in the passage last quoted has been allowed to stand. The second became "the theory" in 1872.

"Part of his game if that theory's right," murmured Mitchington. "It mayn't be right," said Jettison. "But it's one. And there's another supposing he paid Collishaw that money on behalf of somebody else? I've thought this business out right and left, top-side and bottom-side, and hang me if I don't feel certain there is somebody else!

On the table lay a carefully made diagram; a boot, and one or two paper patterns representing footprints were on the floor. The officer's hair was turning gray and he had a quiet brown face with a look of command in it. "Taking it for granted that your theory's right, suspicion seems to fall on the men you mentioned," he said. "Whom do you suspect?" Curtis considered.

"Hiroshito observed that a sudden increase in the temperature of the discharge occurred at the moment when the silver coil of his transformer became white hot, which he explained by some mysterious inductive action of the heat vibrations. I don't follow him at all. His theory's probably all wrong, but he delivered the goods. He gave me the right tip, even if I have got him lashed to the mast now.

"'Now, are you sure you can bear the test? we heard Hollins ask, as we approached. "'Bear it? Why to be sure! replied Shelldrake; 'if I couldn't bear it, or if YOU couldn't, your theory's done for. Try! I can stand it as long as you can. "'Well, then, said Hollins, 'I think you are a very ordinary man.

"Dogs always do," said Randal. "Always at the first meeting?" asked Amaryllis. "Nearly always. But that doesn't prove that I don't travel without a ticket when I get the chance," replied Dick. "What do you mean?" asked the girl. "Oh, the dog-and-baby theory's not dead yet.