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Once only, respecting marriage, he spoke decidedly, and forbade divorce. Neither was there any theology or creed. There were indefinite views respecting the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, from which, afterward, were drawn the Trinity and the Incarnation, but they were then only in a state of indeterminate imagery.

Day by day she pored over the great gospel I mean just the good news according to Matthew and Mark and Luke and John until she had grown to be one of the noble ladies of the kingdom of heaven one of those who inherit the earth, and are ripening to see God. For the Master, and his mind in hers, was her teacher. She had little or no theology save what he taught her, or rather, what he is.

"What?" asked the thief, almost gaping. "You attacked reason," said Father Brown. "It's bad theology." And even as he turned away to collect his property, the three policemen came out from under the twilight trees. Flambeau was an artist and a sportsman. He stepped back and swept Valentin a great bow. "Do not bow to me, mon ami," said Valentin with silver clearness.

Thus, at sixteen years of age, the young clerk might have held his own, in mystical theology, against a father of the church; in canonical theology, against a father of the councils; in scholastic theology, against a doctor of Sorbonne. Theology conquered, he had plunged into decretals.

When fourteen years old, he took his bachelor's degree, after a rigorous examination not only in the classics but astronomy, mathematics, jurisprudence, and theology, at an age when most youths would have been accounted brilliant if able to enter that high school with credit.

She also gave him over-copiously and over-early of her simple, fervent, vague Theology, and much Old and New Testament History, with the highest and noblest intentions and succeeded in implanting a deep distrust and dislike of "God" in his acutely intelligent mind. She filled his soul with questionings and his mouth with questions which she could not answer, and which he answered for himself.

We passed up a double avenue of elms just such an avenue as that along which M. Bergeret discussed metaphysics and theology with the Abbé Lantaigne yet not a soul was to be seen upon the trottoir. A brooding silence hung over the little town, a silence so deep as to be almost menacing. As we entered the main street I encountered a spectacle which froze my heart.

What were the principles of their wild Theology will never be thoroughly ascertained, but we know too much of its sanguinary rites. The imagination shudders to penetrate those shaggy forests, ringing with the death-shrieks of ten thousand human victims, and with the hideous hymns chanted by smoke-and-blood-stained priests to the savage gods whom they served.

What is the good of it to the poor wretches, if we are to suppose it true? and what to the world except, indeed, as a poetic study and a warning against degrading notions of God if we are to take it simply as a fiction? Theology, disdaining both questions, has an answer confessedly incomprehensible. Argument.

Whilst Giordano was employed at the Escurial two Doctors of Theology were ordered to attend upon him, to answer his questions, and resolve any doubts that might arise as to the orthodox manner of treating his subjects.