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I come to thees country seventeen fifteen. I saw your Alamo reduced. It was like yesterday to me. Three hundred ninety-six year ago I learn the secret always to leeve. Look at these clothes I war at these diamantes. Do you theenk I buy them with the money I make with selling the chili-con-carne, Meester Tansee?" "I should think not," said Tansey, promptly. Torres laughed loudly.

We ate till we could eat no more, and then we sat in the wide-open tent, with the camp-fire blazing in front of us, and talked of everything under the stars. I like the Quaker speech: the gentle intimacy of their "little language," with its quaint "thees" and "thous," and the curious turn they give to their verbs, disregarding the formalities of grammar.

After he had saddled "Pill," he returned to the house and reappeared with a piece of wrapping-paper on which he had printed: Help yourself to grub but no fighting on thees premisus. SUNDOWN, Propriter. "It's all right trustin' folks," he remarked as he gazed proudly at the sign and still more proudly at the signature.

"I tak' thees gloove an' leave eet at de Beeg Ben', for you to fin' in daylight," he said, tapping one of Martin's gauntlets which lay on the bar. "You geev' me eet befo' I go?" "Yes; at nine o'clock to-morrow night," Martin replied, hiding his elation. He was sure that he knew the man now. The Mexican, cool and smiling, bowed and left the room, his companions hastening after him.

"Didn't he say anything?" she demanded sharply. "Oh, well, yes, he say sometheeng. He say: 'Well, I'bedam! Then that leetle smile he don' have for long time come back to Don Miguel's face and hee's happy like one baby. I don' understand those boy ontil I see thees business" Pablo wiggled his tobacco-stained thumb and forefinger "then I know sometheeng!

The Mexican uttered a smothered oath and sought to produce his knife. "Thees time I fix you, Carkaire!" he panted. The dim light of the candle gleamed on the blade. Greg Carker tore himself free and struck a swinging blow which landed on Murillo's jaw. The Mexican crashed to the foot of the stairs, where he lay groaning while the aroused household flocked to the spot. "What is it, Carker?

"Don Mike's beesiness, she is my beesiness, too, señorita," he growled. "Yes; I zink so," Okada declared. "I zink I go 'nother room." "Murray will prepare one for you, Mr. Okada. I'm so sorry this has happened. Indeed I am!" Pablo hooted. "You sorry, mees? Wait until my Don Mike he's come home and find thees fellow in hees house."

Luis turned from her after another hasty glance, and began searching for some sign of Ramon. Presently, in a tiny cleft near the top of the boulder, his black eyes spied a folded paper two folded papers, as he discovered when he reached up eagerly and pulled them out. "She's write letter, Ramon," he cried with a certain furtive excitement. "Thees for yoh."

If she is a horse, you shall say, 'She will buck-jump, 'She will ess-shy, 'She will not arrive, or 'She will arrive too quick. But if it is thees women, where are you? For when you shall say, 'She will ess-shy, look you, she will walk straight; or she will remain tranquil when you think she buck-jump; or else she will arrive and, look you, you will not. You shall get left. It is ever so.

Luis glanced up at her apologetically, caught something of menace in that unwinking, glittering stare, and began hastily searching here and there for some sign that would enlighten him further. "She's here when I go, Ramon," he explained deprecatingly. "I don' un'stan', me. She's tell me go breeng yoh thees place. She's say I mus' huree w'ile dark she's las'. I'm sure s'prised, me!"