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Now up, stay there. E and F. Not so good, is it? F is always a hard one. Now, try the half-tone. That's right, nothing difficult about it. Now, pianissimo, AH AH. Now, swell it, AH AH. Again, follow my hand. Now, carry it down. Anybody ever tell you anything about your breathing?" "Mr. Larsen says I have an unusually long breath," Thea replied with spirit. Harsanyi smiled.

Thor was uncommunicative that morning, and would only talk about how he would rather get a sand bur in his toe every day than wear shoes and stockings. As they passed the cottonwood grove where Thea often used to bring him in his cart, she asked him who would take him for nice long walks after sister went away. "Oh, I can walk in our yard," he replied unappreciatively.

Next day he came back and said he thought she'd take fifty thousand." Dr. Archie drew away from her, to the end of the sofa. "Good God, Thea," He ran his handkerchief over his forehead. "What sort of people " He stopped and shook his head. Thea rose and stood beside him, her hand on his shoulder. "That's exactly how it struck me," she said quietly.

"After all, Thea, in spite of all, I still know you," he murmured. She took his arm and led him up to the young man who was standing beside the piano. "Mr. Landry knows all about you, Dr. Archie. He has known about you for many years." While the two men shook hands she stood between them, drawing them together by her presence and her glances.

He'd tried a good many jobs," Thea added musingly; "perhaps he was too particular about the kind he could take, for he never picked up much. He was proud, but I liked him for that." Bowers rose and closed his desk. "Mrs. Priest is late again. By the way, Miss Kronborg, remember not to frown when you are playing for Mrs. Priest. You did not remember yesterday."

"Didn't I? The old fellows or the squaws wove a close netting of yucca fiber, and then tied on little bunches of down feathers, overlapping, just the way feathers grow on a bird. Some of them were feathered on both sides. You can't get anything warmer than that, now, can you? or prettier. What I like about those old aborigines is, that they got all their ideas from nature." Thea laughed.

She bought a fashion book especially devoted to evening clothes and looked hungrily over the colored plates, picking out costumes that would be becoming to "a blonde." She wanted Thea to have all the gay clothes she herself had always longed for; clothes she often told herself she needed "to recite in."

She advised Thea to play "something with variations," or, at least, "The Invitation to the Dance." "It makes no matter what they like," Wunsch replied to Thea's entreaties. "It is time already that they learn something." Thea's fighting powers had been impaired by an ulcerated tooth and consequent loss of sleep, so she gave in.

Bowers laughed. "No doubt about that. I'll have to suggest that you conceal it a little more effectually. That is necessary, Miss Kronborg," he added, looking back over the shoulder of the overcoat he was putting on. He went out to lunch and Thea thought the subject closed.

Thea did the same things as before, felt the same influences, went over the same ideas; but there was a livelier movement in her thoughts, and a freshening of sensation, like the brightness which came over the underbrush after a shower. A persistent affirmation or denial was going on in her, like the tapping of the woodpecker in the one tall pine tree across the chasm.