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There was nothing else to be done, and sulkily Pritchen stepped forward and faced the Indian girl. "Thar, that's better. Now go ahead," continued Pete, turning to Jennie. The latter, however, did not speak, but stood staring at Pritchen, as a bird fascinated by a serpent. "De' ye know that man?" demanded the prospector, seeing her embarrassment. "Yes. Me know 'um," came the low reply.

Yes, an' look how you acted on that day eat till I was ashamed o' you acted like you never got anythin' at home. I never was so mortified in my life. Saw you standin' thar with the leg of a shote in yo' hand, a makin' of a speech." "I was askin' a blessin' over the meat. I admit that I was hungry on that occasion; I'd been savin' myse'f up.

"Showed fortitude enough for six if it's the same thing as yellin'," said the Woodpecker, dropping into his own vernacular. "Let us cut his bonds so that he may escape to his own people." "Thar'd be more style to it if we left him thar overnight an' found next mornin' he had escaped somehow by himself," said the older Chief.

But you look all right to me-that is, as well as any of you city fellers ever do. The last one of you look as white as convicts out o' jail. I reckon thar is so much smoke over your town that the sun don't strike it good and straight." "Oh, I'm all right," Mostyn said, good-naturedly, "just a little run down from overwork, that's all." "Run down?"

I met a feller once who had been thar an' he said it wuz a whalin' big town, full uv all kinds uv strange people, an' hevin' an' inquirin' mind I like to see all kinds uv furriners an' size 'em up. Do you reckon, Paul, that New Or-lee-yuns is the biggest city in the world?" "Oh, no, Jim. There are many much larger cities in the old continents, Europe, Asia and Africa."

"So I'll hear it to my dyin' day his voice a floatin' down to me from up above thar', somewhar', askin' them questions that nobody could ever answer like, so soon, he answered 'em for himself and when I looked up, thar' was Harvey, with his hammer dropped, and his mouth wide open, a starin' up thar', and the tears rollin' down his cheeks like he was a baby. "They didn't sing no more, after that.

"Tell Freeman to take his guns thar and shove 'em in right on top of 'em. We've got the bulge on 'em here, and we're coming right along." And, sure enough, we began to find less and less resistance in front of us, and presently I could see them running out into the valley, filling the road by which we had come.

Wall, sir, he went West, way aout hyar to Californy, 'n' he couldn't stay thar nuther, 'n' he came back hum agin; 'n' I wuz bigger then, a gal grown, 'n' daddy sez to him, I heern him, 'Wal, sez he, 'did Claiborne foller yer? 'Yes, sez he, 'he follered me. I'll never git shet o' him in this world. He's allers clost to me everywhar. Yer see, 'twas jest his conscience er whippin' him.

"Janet Merryweather, the prettiest gal that ever set foot on these roads. Ah, 'twas a sad story, was hers, an' the less said about it, the soonest forgotten. Thar was some folks, the miller among 'em, that dropped dead out with the old minister that was befo' Mr. Mullen's time for not wantin' her to be laid in the churchyard.

"That's all very kind and purty of yer, Mr. Chivers," he said gravely; "you've got all my wife's pints thar to a dot, and it seems to fit her jest like a shoe I picked up t'other day. But it wasn't my Sadie, for ef she's living or had lived, she'd bin just yere!" The same fear and recognition of some unknown reserve in this trustful man came over Chivers as before.