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"Have you lived here many years?" The prospector threw aside his burnt match, gave his pack an extra hitch, picked up his rifle and moved forward. "Guess we'd better git on," he said. "Thar's a little brook we want to reach in time fer dinner. Ye don't find much water in these valleys." Reynolds moved along by his companion's side, wondering why he did not answer his question.

It makes me feel almost young again, an' I that old an' wo' out. I've had a hard life thar's no disputin' it, marriage is mostly puttin' up with things, I reckon, when it ain't makin' believe." "Thar's mighty few that gits the one that's meant for 'em," said Reuben, "that's sure enough. If we did we'd stop movin' forward, I suppose, an' begin to balk.

Thar's been enough happen already to run y'u out of Arizona. "'Wal, you don't say! What, fer instance?, asked Isbel, quick an' sarcastic. "Thet made Bruce bust out puffin' an' spittin': 'Wha-tt, fer instance? Huh! Why, y'u darn half-breed, y'u'll git run out fer makin' up to Ellen Jorth. Thet won't go in this heah country. Not fer any Isbel.

Have you no laws that can be invoked to punish the one and protect the other?" "Laws!" snorted the old woman contemptuously, "what good would all the laws be to Ken arter Matlock had him pumped full o' lead? Thar's only one law fer rattlesnakes on ther range, honey kill 'em befoah they gits a chanct ter strike!"

So he asks, for findin' Jesus, ef thar's any marks to foller by; and George Olver, he answers about them bleedin' nail-prints, and the great one in His side. So then that voice comes down ag'in, askin' if thar's any crown, like other kings, to tell Him by; and George Olver, he answers straight about that crown o' thorns.

"Ef thar's any vartue in gunpowder them times shan't come back," and there was an answering yell that shook the room. "That's the talk, Abner. Give us yer paw," said Paul, delighted to find the people working up to his own pitch of bitter and unrelenting animosity against the gentlemen. "That's the talk, but it'll take more'n talk.

"It's the next day when the stage starts; Old Monte is crackin' his whip in a hardened way, carin' nothin' for road agents as long as they don't interfere with the licker traffic. Thar's only one passenger.

"If ye see Francy McCraw, jest tell him thar's a rope an' a apple-tree waitin' fur him down to Fundy's Bush!" "Tell Danny Redstock an' Billy Bones that the Stoner boys is smellin' almighty close on their trail!" called out the elder youth. Elerson, in his saddle, gathered the bridles that Mount handed him and rode off into the darkness, leading Mount's horse and Sir George's at a trot.

"Yes, so ye did, for I hadn't more'n said it 'fore down comes Dave Brown and says: 'Eke says thar's a letter come for ye in to-night's mail, 'Why, haow you talk! says I, and I reached for my tippet and drawed on my boots and started for Munsey's. 'For the land's sakes! my old woman yelled arter me.

Formerly there was no change of horses at this station, and this novelty excited Jeff's remark. "These yar chaps say thar's no station at the Summit now," growled Bill, in explanation; "the hotel is closed, and it's all private property, bought by some chap from 'Frisco. Thar ought to be a law agin such doin's!"