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From the preceding discussion it is clear not only that no important topic is ever completely presented, but also that there is scarcely any limit to the extent to which it may be supplemented. Men get new thoughts from the same Bible texts year after year, and even century after century. How far, then, should the supplementing be carried?

Nettie's class in the Sunday-school was of ten little girls about her own age; and their teacher was a very pleasant and kind gentleman, named Mr. Folke. Nettie loved him dearly; she would do anything that Mr. Folke told her to do. Their teacher was very apt to give the children a question to answer from the Bible; for which they had to look out texts during the week.

The Japanese version of the Formal Agreement and its annexes shall be the official text or both the Chinese and Japanese shall be the official texts.

Texts relating to bequests, endowments, grants of land, &c., are very difficult to translate, because it is well-nigh impossible to find equivalents for Egyptian legal terms. Equally interesting is the roll that describes the prosecution of certain highly placed officials and relations of Rameses III who had conspired against him and wanted to kill him.

Martha, you've been working on these Martian texts ever since we landed here for the last six months. Tell me, have you found a single word to which you can positively assign a meaning?" "Yes, I think I have one." She was trying hard not to sound too exultant. "Doma. It's the name of one of the months of the Martian calendar." "Where did you find that?" von Ohlmhorst asked.

He replied: "If I had children, I would as soon see them break stones on the road, as do any thing else, if only I could secure to them the Gospel and the grace of God." I was unable to say Amen, but I admired his unflinching consistency; for now, as always, all he said was based on texts aptly quoted and logically enforced.

You must know as he'd a large quantity of old posters by him as had been soiled or torn. So he cuts what black letters he wants out of these, and some red 'uns too, enough to make the two texts, `No drunkard shall inherit the kingdom of God, and `Prepare to meet thy God. Then Job and me goes quietly up-stairs, and I holds the candle while he pastes the words on the chamber-floor.

In one of the most mysterious, awful, and important of all texts. "And the earth was without form and void.

Obviously much of it was spurious: much of the old texts had been lost, and when fragments were found they were arbitrarily completed. Moreover, the old writing was difficult to read and difficult to understand; thus various things were read into the texts without justification.

Those, on the other hand, who take their stand on the doctrine, proclaimed by all Upanishads, that the entire world forms the body of Brahman, may accept in their fulness all the texts teaching the identity of the world with Brahman.