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Many an unhappy moment did Mother Carey have over the feud, mostly deep and silent, that went on between these two; and Gilbert's attitude was not much more hopeful. He had found a timetable or syllabus for the day's doings, over Julia's washstand. It had been framed under Miss Tewksbury's guidance, who knew Julia's unpunctuality and lack of system, and read as follows: Syllabus Rise at 6.45.

Tewksbury's, five years ago, and from the outset he showed a fatherly interest in me an interest which this quaking stripling of an organist appreciated, I can assure you. Being one of the pillars of St. Luke's the church I play at, you remember and an esteemed musical critic withal, his hearty approval of me as a performer was an immense advantage to me.

Horticultural Buildin' is big enough and full enough to keep folks busy a month. Right in the centre, in a place as long as from our house clear over to she that wuz Submit Tewksbury's and I d'no but furder, wuz a display of fruit, all kinds of fruit of every shape and size that grow in every climate from frigid to torrid, and every country from Greenland to Asia, it wuz a sight.

Bildad runs a eatin' house on Coney Island. So I sot off with Deacon Gansy, and after goin' through Chaos and Destruction on lower New York streets, and Williamsburg bridge, and acrost it, for all the folks in New York and Brooklyn wuz there that day and after passin' through crowded, hustlin', bustlin' streets, we found ourselves anon on the broad beautiful Ocean Avenue smooth as glass and as broad as from our house to hern that was Submit Tewksbury's and I guess wider.